They weren’t going to give me a…: Supernatural Happily Awarded a Perk to Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles But Left Misha Collins Out – Cannasumer

They weren’t going to give me a…: Supernatural Happily Awarded a Perk to Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles But Left Misha Collins Out

There is no denying that Supernatural fundamentally changed when Misha Collins was added to its cast. Up until the fourth season mark, the series was full of a brotherly bond that existed as a living-breathing entity. While this aspect did not change, Castiel brought about a completely new dynamic. In the witty humor and quips that Sam and Dean provided, the angel became an innocent but unknowingly funny character.

Misha Collins in Supernatural
Misha Collins in Supernatural | Credit: CW

Considering how this was the point where the fandom of the series grew drastically, one would assume that Collins would be given the same treatment as the other two lead stars. However, during an interview, the actor revealed one perk that Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki got, that he didn’t.

Carry On My Wayward Son…Drive Yourself When You Are Done?

During an interview on the Inside of You podcast with Michael Rosenbaum, Misha Collins revealed quite an interesting perk that the lead stars of Supernatural were given and he was left out of. It would seem that in the early season of the series, Jensen Ackles had negotiated a deal with the network that would provide him and Jared Padalecki with drivers who would take them to and from the set.

A still from Supernatural of Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki | Credit: CW
A still from Supernatural of Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki | Credit: CW

Since they were the lead stars of the hit series and were working tireless hours, their wishes came true, and they got the perk. However, when Collins joined the cast of the series, he was not extended with the same hospitality. Granted, when he first appeared as Castiel, his role was supposed to be a cameo. However, this is where the entire tale gets quite confusing.

Jared and Jensen never drove themselves. They always had drivers. No, they weren’t going to give me a driver. No, no, no, no.

Collins revealed that when he first held the title of a guest star, he had the same privileges as Ackles and Padalecki, getting a driver who took him from set to their homes. However, as soon as he was made a permanent member of the series, he lost these privileges.

It’s funny, as soon as you become a regular, you lose your driver. It’s kind of ironic. Guest stars get drivers.

A still from Supernatural | Credit: CW
A still from Supernatural | Credit: CW

The irony wasn’t lost on Collins, joking that as soon as he became a regular cast member on the show, he lost a perk.

Supernatural Wasn’t A Joyride For Its Cast

When one hears about a perk like having their own driver for being the lead in a series, one can easily assume them to be a result of champagne problems. However, Misha Collins clarified that the drivers were brought into the conversation more for safety reasons than anything else. He started by mentioning that everyone on the cast was very aware of how much they were getting by simply being on Supernatural.

A still from Supernatural | Credit: CW
A still from Supernatural | Credit: CW

He explained that there are several points where he cannot believe how far he has made it and the series has contributed considerably to this. At the same time, many do not realize just how tirelessly their favorite actors work to give them the shows and films they love so much.

Everyone says it’s not as glamorous as you think. There are so many aspects of the job working as an actor that are amazing. And there are so many pinch me moments where you can’t believe the good fortune you have. And you also have to remind yourself to be grateful for the good fortune you have.

Taking an example, Collins revealed that the shooting schedule of the series would often go well into the night, where everyone was forced to work for hours on end to meet their schedule. Additionally, sometimes actors have to quickly get on flights soon after shooting to get to conventions for the shows that they are making.

But the fact of the matter is, you also are quite often working until 3 o’clock in the morning or 4 o’clock in the morning. And then driving yourself home. Or what we would do often is work until 3 o’clock in the morning on a Friday, drive to the airport and just wait for the 6 am flight to get to the east coast to do a convention. Your body can’t keep up with that. 

Supernatural | Credit: CW
Supernatural | Credit: CW

With this, it is almost a safety concern that after so much exertion, the lead stars are not driving themselves to places and putting the wellbeing of others and that of themselves at risk.

Supernatural is available for streaming on Netflix.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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