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Lançamento do Neta Aya no Brasil

Lançamento do Neta Aya no BrasilO mercado de veículos elétricos no Brasil está prestes a ganhar mais uma opção com a chegada do Neta Aya, um hatchback que se posiciona entre os compactos com design inspirado em SUVs. Anunciado para estrear em outubro de 2024, o Neta Aya promete ser um concorrente direto do BYD Dolphin Mini, um dos favoritos...

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O cronograma dos R$ 100 bilhões em ‘dinheiro novo’ de Mariana

Estrago causado pela barragem de fundão, comandado pela Samarco, empresa da Vale e BHP Billiton Foto: Fundação RenovaUm documento oficial da Advocacia-Geral da União (AGU) foi entregue ao primeiro escalão do governo Lula, na semana passada, com previsões de pagamento das empresas BHP Biliton, Vale e Samacro no âmbito da repactuação do acordo de Mariana, pelos desastres causados pelo rompimento da barragem da cidade de Minas Gerais, em 2015. Os recursos serão...

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“Foi grave, mas não afetou nenhuma parte mais delicada”, diz Lula sobre queda

Brasília (DF) 13/05/2024 - O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva participa de uma reunião ministerial para apresentar novas medidas de auxílio para ao estado do Rio Grande do Sul que sofre com as enchentes.O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva avaliou a gravidade do acidente doméstico sofrido por ele no Palácio do Alvorada. Em declaração feita nesta segunda-feira,21, Lula disse o ocorrido foi “grave”, mas não comprometeu a parte “mais delicada” da cabeça. O presidente da República caiu no banheiro do Palácio da Alvorada, durante o fim de...

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Educando com o c*: a ditadura dos identitários que podem tudo porque censuram todos

Imagine a seguinte situação: um professor hétero, branco, e cisgênero decide mostrar seu órgão sexual em uma sala de aula e diz à classe que vai educar com a r*la. O que aconteceria? Muito provavelmente, o correto. O mundo viria abaixo. Seria um escândalo de proporções inimagináveis, e, com razão, o comportamento dele seria identificado...

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Ex de Neymar recebe recado de Bruna Biancard nas redes sociais

Ex de Neymar recebe recado de Bruna Biancard nas redes sociaisEssa segunda-feira, 12, foi um dia de celebração para Carol Dantas, mãe de Davi Lucca, o primeiro filho do atacante Neymar, que completou mais um ano de vida. Como não poderia deixar de ser diferente, a aniversariante recebeu uma enxurrada de mensagens carinhosas, dentre as quais destaca-se a de Bruna Biancardi, atual namorada do atacante...

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Entendendo a partenogênese, um fenômeno curioso da natureza

Entendendo a partenogênese, um fenômeno curioso da naturezaA reprodução é um dos mecanismos mais fascinantes da biologia, fundamental para a sobrevivência das espécies. Enquanto a maioria dos animais depende da reprodução sexuada para perpetuar seus genes, existe um fenômeno intrigante conhecido como partenogênese. Este processo permite que algumas espécies se reproduzam sem a necessidade de acasalamento. A partenogênese, que significa “nascimento virgem” em...

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OPP conduct ‘high-risk’ traffic stop near London police station

London police assisted provincial police with a “high-risk” traffic stop across from police headquarters on Dundas Street Monday. The OPP received information from Hamilton police about a disturbance inside a vehicle travelling west on the Highway 401 possibly heading to London, an OPP spokesperson Const. Jeff Hare said. OPP located the vehicle and a high-risk […]

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I have a three point plan to stop the mass early release of prisoners from happening again

ON my first day as Justice Secretary after the General Election on July 4, I was told about the true scale of the crisis in our jails.

The Tories had left our prisons on the edge of disaster. At any moment, they could have run out of space entirely.

a man walking down a hallway with a green exit sign
The Tories liked to talk tough on crime, but they left this country less safe[/caption]
a man standing in front of a hm prison service sign
Jason Hoganson pictured outside HM Prison Durham[/caption]

Had that happened, we would have had to shut the front doors to our prisons.

Courts would have cancelled all trials.

The police would have stopped making arrests.

We would have seen the total breakdown of law and order.

I faced this situation because Rishi Sunak was too weak to act when he had the chance.

The Tories liked to talk tough on crime, but they left this country less safe.

In July, I had no choice. To deal with the crisis, we would have to release some offenders from custody a few weeks or months early.

They will now serve the rest of their sentences on licence, monitored by probation officers in the community.

As your Justice Secretary, I will ensure the scenes we witnessed, first in September and again today, can never happen again.

That’s why I am now setting out a long-term plan to end the crisis in our prisons.

I will make sure no government is ever again put in the position we have been forced in to.

That starts by building more jails.

The last Government talked a big game on prison building. But over their 14 years in power, they added just 500 places to our prison capacity.

This Labour Government will build the 14,000 new places the Tories promised but never delivered.

But we must also face the facts. Every year, our prison population grows by 4,500.

To keep pace with that growth, we would have to build HMP Birmingham, the prison in my constituency, nearly five times over, every single year.

The reality is the prison population is rising faster than our ability to lock people up.

Keep people safe

There are only so many spaces we can build.

That’s why today I am launching a sentencing review to end the crisis in our prisons and to keep the public safe.

This review will make sure our prison system works — that there is always space in our jails for dangerous offenders and that prisons are not so full that they are simply a breeding ground for more crime.

Firstly, to keep people safe, we must lock up the most serious criminals.

Secondly, if we want to really cut crime, we must encourage offenders to turn their backs on crime.

We must look at what more can be done to make sure offenders leave prisons with the skills they need to find a job and not reoffend as soon as they are released.

In Texas, a Republican governor introduced “good behaviour credits”.

They mean prisoners can earn time off their sentence by taking part in rehabilitative activity in prison.

Rehabilitative activity in prison

Reoffending dropped, crime fell to a 50-year low and the Texan prison population dropped by 20,000.

Thirdly, we must look at how we can toughen up punishment outside of prisons.

Everyone who breaks our rules must be punished. But some offenders, if they are not dangerous, can be better punished outside prison.

Sentences like these can help end the revolving door of offenders going in and out of prison, coming out more dangerous than they came in.

With the technology at our disposal, like GPS and sobriety tags, anyone punished outside of prison already faces limits on their freedom.

With all the new technology available in the world today, I think we can go much further.

Play politics

The review starts its work today, led by David Gauke, a former Conservative Justice Secretary.

With a Conservative reviewer and a Labour Government, we will together look at an issue that is all too easy to play politics with.

I will consider its findings six months from now, but let me tell you where I stand.

I believe in prisons and that dangerous offenders must be locked up. But I also believe we can punish some offenders outside of prison too.

I believe in punishment — there must be a price for breaking our rules. But I also believe that rehabilitation is possible and must be pursued.

In Britain today, 80 per cent of offenders are re-offenders.

Rehabilitation is the only true crime-cutting policy.

And my promise to you is this — this Government will ensure the emergency release of offenders never happens again.

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Hundreds of soldiers secretly deployed to London over fears armed officers would walk out if gun cop was convicted

HUNDREDS of soldiers were secretly deployed to London over fears armed officers would walk out if Martyn Blake was convicted.

An emergency contingency plan was drafted as firearms officers in the Met’s MO19 Specialist Firearms Command threatened action.

Getty - Contributor
Hundreds of soldiers were secretly deployed to London over fears armed officers would walk out if Martyn Blake was convicted of murder[/caption]
a man wearing a t-shirt that says free money
Sgt Blake was charged last year over the fatal shooting of Chris Kaba[/caption]

More than 300 cops had handed in their weapons when Sgt Blake was charged last year.

Sources confirmed many Met gun police planned to hand in their blue tickets.

The Sun can reveal Royal Regiment of Scotland troops and military drivers from the Engineers and Royal Logistics Corp were put on stand-by.

A source said: “There’s a lot of anger among armed officers about how Sgt Blake was treated.

Ex-Met PC Tony Long said: “It’s unfair to ask officers to carry firearms for public protection and treat them as criminals if they use them.”

The soldiers were due to go on armed patrols in Land Rovers and white vans as they are not trained for police vehicles.

The Home Office asked for help from the Army at the request of the Met Police.

A source said the so-called “presence patrols” were designed to reassure the public.

The emergency plan was codenamed Operation Temperer.

Police video footage shows the moment that armed officers surrounded the car being driven by Chris Kaba

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