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A situação do Simples Nacional e a exclusão de devedores

O Simples Nacional, um regime tributário diferenciado, é essencial para microempreendedores individuais (MEIs), microempresas (MEs) e empresas de pequeno porte (EPPs) no Brasil. No entanto, mais de 1,8 milhão dessas empresas correm o risco de serem excluídas desse regime devido à inadimplência. Segundo a Receita Federal, o montante devido por esses devedores chega a R$...

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“Foi um pequeno sangramento cerebral”, diz médico de Lula

08/05/2024 – O presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, durante cerimônia de divulgação dos resultados do Novo PAC Seleções Cidades, no Palácio do Planalto.A queda de Lula em um banheiro no Palácio da Alvorada, na noite de sábado, 19, resultou em um “pequeno sangramento cerebral”, afirmou Roberto Kalil, médico do presidente. Por causa do acidente, o petista foi orientado a cancelar a viagem de avião que faria para a Rússia. O chanceler Mauro Vieira vai assumir o comando...

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Cientistas estariam furando vulcões

O projeto Krafla Magma Testbed (KMT) é uma empreitada científica audaciosa voltada para a perfuração em regiões de intensa atividade vulcânica, como a cratera do vulcão Krafla na Islândia. Com o intuito de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre o comportamento magmático abaixo da superfície terrestre, o experimento promete oferecer perspectivas valiosas para a predição de erupções...

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Os novos santos canonizados pelo Papa Francisco

Em fala sobre mudanças climáticas, Papa diz que 'Terra está doente'A canonização é um marco significativo na Igreja Católica, onde pessoas reconhecidas por sua vida de virtude e fé são declaradas santas. Essa prática remonta a séculos, refletindo o reconhecimento formal dos feitos extraordinários de membros da igreja. Este processo não só celebra a vida dos indivíduos canonizados, mas também serve como uma fonte de...

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Conheça o drama de Liam Payne para lidar com a fama

liam payne fãsA rápida ascensão à fama traz inúmeros desafios para jovens artistas, afetando suas vidas pessoais e profissionais. Liam Payne, ex-membro da popular boy band One Direction, exemplifica como a fama precoce pode oferecer oportunidades, mas também significativos dilemas emocionais e psicológicos. Ingressando no mundo das celebridades aos 14 anos, ele experimentou os benefícios e os...

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Trump frita batatas no McDonald’s

Donald Trump (foto), candidato republicano à presidência dos Estados Unidos, assumiu neste domingo, 20, o papel de atendente de uma lanchonete do McDonald’s na cidade de Feasterville-Trevose, Pensilvânia. Usando um avental e uma gravata vermelha, o ex-presidente colocou batatas fritas em óleo, sob a supervisão de um funcionário, e atendeu clientes do estabelecimento. Em uma...

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Estratégias alimentares para o controle da glicose no sangue

Estratégias alimentares para o controle da glicose no sangueGerenciar os níveis de glicose é uma prioridade para indivíduos com diabetes ou em risco de desenvolver a condição. O consumo de alimentos com baixo índice glicêmico é uma estratégia eficaz que pode desempenhar um papel significativo nesse processo. Em meio a inúmeras opções alimentares disponíveis, é crucial identificar aqueles que realmente auxiliam na regulação...

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Casas abandonadas no Japão começam a ser tomadas

No dinâmico cenário imobiliário do Japão, uma tendência curiosa vem despertando interesse: as akiyas, casas abandonadas que podem ser adquiridas por preços extremamente baixos, e em alguns casos, até gratuitamente. Esta realidade não se limita a Tóquio, estendendo-se às áreas rurais, onde essas propriedades são oferecidas como incentivo para revitalizar comunidades e combater o despovoamento....

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I’m a mortuary worker – I’ve had some bizarre requests & even know how to do acrylic nails & fake lashes for dead bodies

A MORTUARY worker has lifted the lid on her job and some of the bizarre requests she gets.

Mortician Hayleigh appeared on the Tea At Four podcast and revealed how she even does acrylic nails and fake lashes on dead bodies.

a woman wearing glasses sits in front of a microphone
Mortuary worker Hayleigh revealed what it is really like preparing the deceased for funerals

Speaking to hosts Lauren and Billy, she revealed what it’s like to work with the dead.

She shared: “I basically prepare the deceased.”

Lauren asked her if people can request to be placed in certain poses in their coffin, and Hayleigh revealed you can.

Demonstrating her hands crossed in front of her, she answered: “We have girls who want their hands.

“And we get the lid on you as well, so we don’t want to be hammering your knees down, really.”

Hayleigh shared how she also does beauty treatments on corpses so they look their best.

She added: “I mean, I can do acrylics, eyelashes, eyebrows.”

Billy was amazed and asked if she does teeth whitening on deceased individuals.

The mortician replied: “Why would you want your teeth on show when you’re dead? That’d be terrifying.”

Billy agreed saying: “I didn’t think of it like that.”

The host then joked how he wanted to be buried with his hands crossed on his chest and with his face in an open-mouthed smile.

Hayleigh laughed: “I was gonna say, I’ve never had that one before. 

“I think I would be like, oh no.”

The mortician said that one of the only treatments that doesn’t work so well is fake than as it “doesn’t sit right.”

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Host Billy asked if Hayleigh whitens the teeth of dead bodies[/caption]
a woman is smiling in front of a shure microphone
Lauren asked her if people can request to be placed in certain poses in their coffin[/caption]

She explained: “You look like a drumstick. 

“It won’t sit right, I’m afraid, ’cause there’s no moisture in the skin, it just sits.

“Even if you do a bit of mousse, it doesn’t look great.”

Billy came to the conclusion that he didn’t want to be embalmed and perhaps would opt for a closed coffin instead.

Hayleigh revealed: “Yeah, that’s what I’m going with.”

The rise of undertaker jobs as eco-friendly funerals gain popularity

IT’S the one industry all of us are guaranteed to use yet working as a funeral arranger is still seen as an unusual career choice.

The sector is relatively small with around 20,000 undertakers, mortuary and crematorium assistants working nationally, plus jobs in support services such as coffin making and headstone and memorial carvers.

A rise in eco-friendly funerals and more families choosing highly personalised celebrations rather than traditional mourning means the industry is attracting a wider range of talent.

Dubbed the “Youngertaker”, many staff are joining straight from school or college, attracted by the caring nature of the profession.

A spokesman for the National Association of Funeral Directors explains: “Funeral service is not always included in the list of caring professions recommended by career advisors, but it should be.”

More people are also joining the sector later in life, often after seeing how funeral staff cared for one of their own loved ones.

As well as practical aspects, the job also requires emotional skills to provide support and advice to families.

Salaries are slightly below the national average, but most staff point to the immense job satisfaction.

Large firms such as Dignity and Co-operative Funerals have launched apprenticeship schemes.

Many people were amazed at the revelations, with one person writing: “This is soooooo reassuring cos I dare my family to let ONE person see me without lashes.”

Another added: “This was so insightful and emotional to watch.”

Morticians or undertakers prepare a deceased’s body for funerals, and can assist with urn or coffin selection and aid with the transport of the body from the funeral home.

They also may help cremate or preserve the body, making it presentable with makeup, clothing, and hair styling.

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Rachel Reeves must pull out all the stops to give hospitality trade some help in Budget


THERE may be precious few reasons to raise a glass when Chancellor Rachel Reeves unveils her Budget next week.

But she could lift spirits by pulling out all the stops to give the hospitality trade some help.

a woman with a ring on her finger smiles in front of a british flag
Rachel Reeves must pull out all the stops to give hospitality trade some help in Budget[/caption]

After brutal years of Covid, a near-recession and the wholly unnecessary threat of banning smoking outside, pubs and restaurants in the UK are already on the brink of bankruptcy.

But they now face another collective £1billion hit.

Failing to extend their 75 per cent business rate discount — due to end in April — would be a fatal mistake by the Chancellor.

It would decimate already-fragile takings and put thousands of jobs at risk.

Ms Reeves would do well to maintain that protection and by doing so throw a lifeline to an industry vital to so many in our depressed communities.

It could also give her something she so desperately needs — some economic growth.

French fiasco

LAST week another 979 migrants arrived illegally in Britain on 16 new boats.

They will join the big-city-sized group of asylum-seekers now being housed in hotels at a cost of £4million per day before most are inevitably allowed to live here permanently.

Among those trying to cross this weekend was a baby boy who drowned after falling overboard as his dinghy sank.

“He slipped out of my hands,” says his shattered father.

Families desperate to get to Britain are still prepared to ignore the obvious dangers.

Which is why these journeys must be stopped before boats even leave the beaches.

In Belgium police are doing just that.

Only one boat has arrived in Britain from there this year.

In neighbouring France — handed £500million by Britain to tackle the problem — cops stand and watch as the migrants gamble with their lives.

What are we paying them for?

Sir Chris’s grit

IT is scarcely believable that a man with such superhuman strength and fitness as Sir Chris Hoy should be struck by terminal cancer.

Sir Chris conquered all his rivals in the Olympic velodrome.

It must have been a crushing blow to this born winner to be told he can never beat his illness.

Yet his courage — and that of his wife Sarra, now diagnosed with MS — remains undimmed.

We salute his bravery as he now no doubt proves a huge inspiration to all those affected by this cruel disease.

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