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Married At First Sight UK star rushed to medics as she shares pic from urgent care centre

MARRIED at First sight star Peggy Lawrence has been rushed to hospital as she shares a photo from the urgent care unit.

The 33-year-old captioned the picture which, was posted as a reel, “Happy Monday to me, what am I like,” followed by a sad face emoji.

the friends cafe is located in the urgent care centre
Peggy shared an image from urgent care but didn’t say why she was there
a woman in a white top and black pants holds a black chanel bag
The reality star has been doing the rounds of the red carpet sine finding fame on MAFS[/caption]

Although the reality star is yet to reveal why she’s in there, its fair to say that 2024 has been a tumultuous time for the star.

Earlier this year we revealed how the star had ended her relationship with George Berthonneau with whom she was paired on the reality show, after she discovered that he’d been cheating on her.

But George has since denied her claims and maintains that he was faithful throughout.

Peggy, who says she went on the programme to find true love,  announced their split on Valentine’s Day this year and relations between the pair quickly soured on social media.

In an explosive new interview with The Sun, Peggy has hit out at her ex after their relationship came crumbling down – and insists it was his decision to split.

She says: “George ended things with me on the 30th January so for him to come out and say he was blindsided by my Instagram post is a load of rubbish.

“I wasn’t going to say anything about what he put me through but enough is enough and everyone deserves to know the truth.

“I never wanted to do a story about our relationship. I wanted to remain dignified but after he made up all that rubbish about me, I just want everyone to know the truth. I was heartbroken.”

Georges denies being unfaithful, with a source close to him saying he didn’t split with Peggy and “she just presumed”.

Peggy claims she first thought he was cheating in December of last year when he took his ex-girlfriend to an event – and pretended she was one of his male friends.

Shortly afterwards he took her to Hyde Park’s Winter Wonderland, but it was when he went to a Christmas party without Peggy, that she started to grow really suspicious.

She explains:  “Every time I’m out he tells me ‘you must message me when you’re home.’ This night he never messaged me to say he was back at the hotel.

“I said ‘shall I meet you at the hotel’ and he was like, no, no, no I won’t be back until late’. He messaged me the next morning apologising that he didn’t message me.

“He denied spending the night with her. I was crying my eyes out.

“At this point I didn’t know it was his ex-girlfriend!”

A few days later Peggy confronted him about it, and he admitted he had slept with the woman in the past.

“The anxiety of it all was impacting my mental health so I had to ask him what was wrong. He wasn’t messaging me back and was distant,” she says.

“Georges tells me he’s unhappy. I asked him ‘are you happy with us and our relationship? And he said ‘I don’t know’ it was him saying no. It was like a dagger to my heart and I said this to him on the phone to the point where I had to call him back because I was upset.”

She says he refused to see her after that and told his friends and family it was over – something he denies.

Peggy is still coming to terms with the split and admits: “I don’t have time to waste. I want a family and I want to get married.”

a man in a blue suit stands next to a woman in a white dress
Peggy was paired with George in the 2023 three series[/caption]
a man and woman sit on a couch holding hands
But by the following year their relationship had hit the rocks with claims that George had cheated[/caption]

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My mental health was terrible so I quit my teaching job & moved into a van to save cash -but it’s freezing in the winter

A WOMAN has revealed that she quit her job and moved full time into a van after her mental health took a turn for the worse.

Emily loves living in her tiny camper-van, but freezing winter temperatures and a lack of space means that it can sometimes be a struggle.

a woman stands in front of a white lance truck
Emily moved into a tiny home with her dog Remy[/caption]
a woman in a blue shirt is standing in a kitchen
She said her new lifestyle has made her so much happier[/caption]

Just a year and a half ago, Emily was a teacher in a primary school, but she said that the job completely drained her mental health.

“It was the worst it had ever been in my entire life”, she said.

She decided to switch careers, and after gaining a yoga qualification, set up her own company, and began to teach classes.

However, her yoga teaching job doesn’t pay as much, so in order to sustain her lifestyle, she decided to ditch the apartment she shared with her husband, and buy a van.

Despite the small space, Emily, who shares the van with her dog Remy, said that she doesn’t feel like she’s missing out on anything that she used to have in her apartment.

“We had so many pots and pans we never used, and now we have one pot and one pan, and it’s everything we need”, she told the Tiny Home Tours YouTube channel.

Emily’s husband occasionally lives with her in the camper-van, but mostly lives in his car, as he travels around in his job as a mountaineering guide.

The van was £8,800 off Facebook Marketplace, and had previously only been used for hunting, meaning that it was in a great condition.

Emily then spent £3800 renovating it and turning it into her dream van.

When she first moved into her new home, back in January, the weather was freezing, and she struggled to stay warm.

However, she now has a propane heater that keeps her toasty all throughout the winte.

To power the appliances in the van, Emily has installed solar panels on the roof, meaning that her van is able to run off grid.

And despite her bed being much smaller than the one she used to have in her apartment, Emily said that it is the most comfortable mattress she has ever had.

Is it legal to live in a van?

IF you are looking to live in a van to save money or travel, you'll be pleased to know that there are no UK laws stopping you.

However, you must ensure your vehicle has passed its MOT and is fully road legal.

There could also be restrictions on where you can park up to sleep in your van.

For example, local authorities place restrictions on certain streets or lay-bys, and you could be fined if you spend the night there.

It could also be unsafe to stop in certain locations, particularly at night-time.

Check the The Highway Code guide for guidance.

“I sleep better here than I have ever slept anywhere”, she said.

She added that her van even has a skylight in it, which has allowed her to see the Northern Lights whilst lying in bed.

Emily said that she has been criticised for having a dog living with her in the van, but she insisted that Remy leads a happy lifestyle.

“She spends most of her time outside and is running around the woods”, she said.

Emily said that her change of lifestyle has allowed her to become much happier, meaning that she has the energy to try and make other people feel happier as well.

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My dad was a sadistic, violent monster – I developed over 2,000 different personalities to cope, it’s an army of helpers

A WOMAN who suffered horrific abuse by the hands of her own father has revealed how she survived her traumatic childhood.

Jeni Haynes, who lives in Australia, shared how she developed over 2,500 personalities to cope with her father’s vile abuse that took place over countless years.

a woman wearing glasses and a shirt that says 60 extra minutes
60 Minutes - 9 News
Jeni Haynes came up with multiple personalities to protect her mind from the abuse of her father[/caption]
a man is sitting on a couch holding three children .
60 Minutes - 9 News
Jeni spent years trying to get justice for the abuse Richard Haynes put her through as a young girl[/caption]
a woman wearing glasses is standing in front of a crowd of people .
60 Minutes - 9 News
In the end, her Dissociative Identity Disorder and multiple personalities saved her life and got her father convicted[/caption]

Jeni has opened up to 60 Minutes Australia on how her Dissociative Identity Disorder saved her and got her father convicted of the abuse he made her endure.

She said: “My dad inflicted, chose to inflict severe, sadistic, violent abuse that was completely unavoidable, unescapable and life threatening.

“And he did this, he chose to do this everyday of my entire childhood.”

Jeni took her father, Richard Haynes, to court for repeatedly raping and abusing her as a young girl reports the BBC.

And while Jeni was the only woman in the witness stand that day – the court heard testimonies from six different people.

To cope with the horror of her life, Jeni’s mind came up with an extraordinary way to protect her – creating new identities for her to detach from the pain. 

The abuse she suffered was so extreme that Jeni says she developed over 2,500 personalities to cope – including a four-year-old girl called Symphony.

My dad’s abuse was calculated and it was planned. It was deliberate and he enjoyed every minute of it.

Jeni Haynes

It’s believed to be the first case in the world where a victim with diagnosed Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) – or Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) – has testified in their other personalities and secured a conviction.

“We weren’t scared. We had waited such a long time to tell everyone exactly what he did to us and now he couldn’t shut us up,” she said.

Speaking to the Australian TV show, Jeni, now a doctor and author revealed her father was ‘vile’ and made an ‘army‘ of personalities to protect herself and get him convicted for his monstrous crimes.

Jeni and her family moved from Bexleyheath in London to Australia when she was just four, but her father’s abuse had already begun.

The brave woman waived her anonymity rights, as a victim of abuse, so her father could be identified.

“My dad’s abuse was calculated and it was planned. It was deliberate and he enjoyed every minute of it,” Jeni told the court in a victim impact statement.

Jeni was also denied medical care for her injuries from beatings and sexual abuse, which have developed into serious lifelong conditions.

How to get help

If you suspect a child is being abused or are seeking help for child abuse in the UK, there are several organisations and resources available:

  1. NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children):
  • Helpline: 0808 800 5000 (for adults concerned about a child)
  • Website: NSPCC
  • You can also report concerns online or seek advice through their website.
  1. Childline:
  • Helpline: 0800 1111 (for children and young people)
  • Website: Childline
  • Offers a confidential service for children and young people to discuss any problems they may be facing.
  1. Local Authority Children’s Services:
  • You can contact your local council’s children’s services department. They have a duty to investigate concerns about child abuse and provide support.
  1. Police:
  • In an emergency, always call 999.
  • For non-emergencies, you can contact your local police on 101 to report concerns.
  1. Barnardo’s:
  • Website: Barnardo’s
  • Provides support and services for children, young people and families affected by abuse.
  1. The Lucy Faithfull Foundation:
  1. Victim Support:
  • Helpline: 08 08 16 89 111
  • Website: Victim Support
  • Provides emotional and practical support for victims of crime, including child abuse.
  1. The Samaritans:
  • Helpline: 116 123
  • Website: Samaritans
  • Offers confidential support for anyone in distress, 24 hours a day.

It’s important to take action if you suspect a child is being abused. These organisations can provide guidance on what steps to take and offer the necessary support.

Now aged 54, Jeni has irreparable damage to her eyesight, jaw, bowel, anus and coccyx. These have required extensive surgeries including a colostomy operation in 2011.

The abuse would continue until Jeni was 11, when the family moved back to the UK. Her parents divorced shortly after, in 1984. She believes no-one, not even her mother, was aware of what she was going through.

Jeni first created Symphony, a four-year-old girl who, she says, exists in her own time reality.

She told the BBC he was in fact abusing symphony when he was abusing her.

But then Symphony also created personalities to help her cope with the abuse – thousands of them.

Jeni has revealed that there is one called Muscles – a teenager styled like Billy Idol. He is tall and wears clothes which show off his strong arms. He’s calm and protective.

Volcano who is very tall and strong, and clad from top to toe in black leather. He has bleached blond hair.

Jeni was allowed to testify in court as Symphony as well as five other personalities sharing the different types of abuse she endured – and finally, ten years after reporting the crimes got to see justice be served.

Richard Haynes pleaded guilty to more than two dozen child sexual abuse charges

Jeni sat metres away from her father in court to see him sentenced to 45 years. Haynes, who is suffering from poor health, will serve at least 33 years before he is eligible for parole.

The clip was shared on their TikTok account and was watched by more than 2 million people.

People were moved by Jeni’s story, which left them heartbroken for her.

One person wrote: “God bless you Jeni.”

Another commented: “You are an amazing survivor Jeni. I wish you all the best in your life.”

“Her brain was the only one trying to protect her,” penned a third.

Meanwhile a fourth said: “It’s amazing how the brain tries to protect you as much as it can.”

“The poor poor woman. We truly failed her,” claimed a fifth.

Someone else added: “People need to understand this is real and more than life-impacting. These dear folks need support and understanding all their lives.”

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