Apple Music or Spotify? We’ve got info on which drains your phone battery faster – Cannasumer

Apple Music or Spotify? We’ve got info on which drains your phone battery faster

It is a debate as old as time – Spotify or Apple Music? No matter which you use, you will likely defend it to the hilt. We’ve all got our preference – usually for arbitrary reasons like aesthetic or vibe. Me personally, I am a decade into Spotify with a wealth of playlists I simply cannot be bothered to be remaking over on Apple Music. But there is one factor that I had never really considered when it comes to choosing between Spotify and Apple Music – which drains my phone battery faster? A new study by Nationwide Vehicle Contracts has analysed data and given us some info on which drains phone battery faster – and could be the deciding factor when choosing between Spotify and Apple Music.

Explaining the data

Nationwide Vehicle Contracts analysed all the data permissions of the top 100 music streaming apps on the App Store. This then gives us an idea which streaming app is gobbling up your battery so fast.

So… which is better for phone battery?

I hate to hear this news and hate even more to tell you: Spotify is supposedly worse for your phone battery compared to Apple Music. A lot worse, actually. On the data discovered in the study, Spotify came out with a battery drain score of 15. It also has access to 54 per cent of your user data.

In contrast, Apple Music emerged with a battery drain score of 11 – and accesses 39 per cent of your user data. The popularity data shows that people don’t actually care, though – with Spotify having a 95 per cent popularity rate in comparison to Apple Music’s 61 per cent.

I wonder why these results have come out this way – maybe it’s because Apple Music is built with my iPhone in mind? I still won’t be switching over though. Sorry, to Apple Music but I will ALWAYS be a Spotify girly til the bitter end.

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