I rang the police over my blood spattered bathroom & other creepy mysteries…people think there’s an innocent explanation – Cannasumer

I rang the police over my blood spattered bathroom & other creepy mysteries…people think there’s an innocent explanation

BLOOD stains in the bathroom and lights being switched on by themselves have caused one homeowner to live in fear.

She called the police for help after weeks of failing to figure out the cause of the strange occurrences.

a dirty toilet with a chrome button on it
A Mumsnet user asked for an explanation for the strange occurrences taking place in her home
a drawing of a ladder on a cell phone screen

The homeowner shared a diagram revealing four entry points that would’ve been flagged by her camera[/caption]

The Mumsnet user said she initially thought objects being found in unexpected places was the result of her rushing around the house or her cats playing.

However, spotting that the lights had been turned on while she was out and finding blood splatter in the bathroom left her spooked.

She said her cats couldn’t have brought anything into the house as the windows and doors had been closed all day.

Her carbon monoxide detector didn’t pick up anything out of the ordinary either.

“Have a loft but the hatch is tiny and doesn’t seem to have been disturbed,” she said.

“Have an internal camera which shows the front door and hall – no activity though it did show my dog going bonkers barking at something outside a couple of times today (though the external camera isn’t up yet so I couldn’t see what).

“Only direct family have keys and they wouldn’t do stuff like this. Will be changing the locks tomorrow!

“I’m properly creeped out ATM! Husband will be back shortly from work thank God! I’m in the bedroom with the door wedged shut for the moment!

“Please someone give me a rational explanation!”

A stream of responses to the post agreed the situation was “weird” and advised the woman to call the police to investigate.

She shared a diagram suggesting that an intruder would’ve been spotted on camera.

“So not quite to scale but, one is the living room, two the kitchen, three the front door, and four where I’ve got the camera,” she said, referring to the labels on the illustration.

“So I can see anyone passing through the living room but not into the actual kitchen. It’s the only place I can put it that covers the front door though.”

Several responses to the post suggested the mystery could be explained by a homeless person sneakily living in the house.

Others argued it was more likely insects or an animal causing chaos around the property.

“My guess is that your cat has brought in a mouse ( mice can get under doors) and then it’s run around, bleeding slightly,” one person said.

“Cat is on the other side of the door. The mouse is hiding or dead.

“If those are blood droplets they are tiny so fit with a mouse. Hope your DH [dear husband] is home soon!!”

What are the signs of ghosts?

Spirit Shack is a UK-based company that specialises in equipment for paranormal investigations.

They’ve rounded up 12 common signs that a ghost, poltergeist, or other supernatural entity may be present in your home:

  • Cold spots and temperature changes
  • Flickering lights
  • Electromagnetic field spikes
  • Unexplained object movement
  • Unexplained smells
  • The feeling of being watched
  • Apparition sightings
  • Disembodied voices
  • Unexplained technological failures
  • Random noises and knocking
  • Dream communication
  • Emotional projection

A flood of commenters said they had seen similar blood splatter in their home caused by fleas.

“I found blood specs like this on my toilet closed lid & T-shirt on top of a laundry pile, brown specs, dried blood,” one person said.

“It was my cats sitting there and shedding residue from having fleas.

“The fleas carry blood in them which leaves specs.

“Comb your pets with a fine metal flea comb to see if this could be an option. I haven’t read the full thread so sorry if repeat posting.”

Another commenter agreed the woman should check her cats but admitted fleas don’t explain the other creepy things.

The woman responded to the thread revealing the mystery remained unsolved as she checked her pets “without finding a single flea.”

She changed her locks and her husband found no one when he checked their loft.

Her ex-partner has no reason to break in and her parents aren’t physically fit to enter their home just to “f*k around.”

She also ruled out that her sister would’ve been behind the terrifying occurrences.

“Police came at about 5am, had a quick look around the house and said to phone back if there was any more disruption,” she said.

“So all a bit weird still. Still feeling a bit unsettled.”

a woman sits on a bed with her hands on her chin

The Mumsnet user said the police and her husband were unable to solve the mystery (stock image)[/caption]

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