South Tv – Page 756 – Cannasumer

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South Tv

Papo Antagonista: Caos em SP e entrevista com Kassab

O Papo Antagonista desta segunda-feira, 14, traz uma entrevista com Gilberto Kassab, secretário de Governo e Relações Institucionais de São Paulo e presidente nacional do PSD, sobre o primeiro turno das eleições municipais e as projeções para o segundo turno. O programa também comenta os desdobramentos do apagão em São Paulo e da corrida eleitoral...

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Previsão do tempo: Chuva volta ao Rio Grande do Sul com chance de temporais

Previsão do tempo: Chuva volta ao Rio Grande do Sul com chance de temporaisDe acordo com a previsão do tempo, o estado do Rio Grande do Sul se prepara para a volta da chuva nas próximas horas, após um período de tempo estável e um final de semana ensolarado. As previsões indicam a possibilidade de temporais isolados com a retomada da instabilidade climática. Esta mudança acontece após dias...

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Mãe de Raquel Brito esclarece boatos de gravidez

Raquel Brito gravidezEm 7 de outubro, a RecordTV divulgou que Raquel Brito, participante da 16ª edição de A Fazenda, precisou deixar o programa devido a questões médicas. O afastamento foi necessário após Raquel sentir-se mal durante uma prova em 6 de agosto. Entenda a Miocardite e Seus Efeitos Após ser hospitalizada para exames detalhados, Raquel foi diagnosticada...

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PHOTOS: Halloween comes early at Storybook Gardens

Storybook Gardens underwent a spooky transformation over the long weekend, with StoryBoo Halloween returning to the London attraction. It drew families and kids on Monday who navigated through a puppet maze and did some early trick-or-treating. Designed for children 10 and younger, it runs until Oct. 30. Photos by LFP’s Dale Carruthers. @DaleatLFPress

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This shameful soft justice on paedophiles hoarding child abuse images must end

Now jail them

MOST of us were staggered and appalled when Huw Edwards walked free without spending a single day in prison.

He had, after all, been convicted of leering over child abuse images in Category A — the foulest of all — involving a victim as young as seven.

a man with white hair and a beard is wearing a black jacket
Most of us were staggered and appalled when Huw Edwards walked free without spending a single day in prison[/caption]
a man walking down the street looking at his phone
Andrew Styczynski
Muhammed Saim Shazad, 22, of Harlow, Essex, was sent child abuse images, some in the worst category, of kids as young as eight – he only got 12 months, suspended for 18 months[/caption]

Such revolting crimes ought inevitably to mean jail.

And it was tempting to wonder if the disgraced BBC star walked free because of his fame and his lawyer’s attempts at mitigation, feeble though they were.

But that wasn’t it.

As we reveal today, scores of other paedophiles have been let loose for offences every bit as grave as Edwards’.

Some cases truly turn the stomach.

Perverts, hoarding images of toddlers aged two being sexually assaulted, sauntering out of court with a smirk.

They could probably barely believe their luck.

We know prison places are short, even after the Government’s controversial early-release scheme.

But what deterrent is there if sick men know they can possess or trade the vilest images imaginable without any risk of seeing the inside of a cell?

What justice is that for the defenceless victims of this evil global trade, whose abuse continues each time a pervert clicks on a picture of their suffering?

After the Edwards case The Sun launched the Keep Our Kids Safe campaign, demanding mandatory prison for anyone caught with Category A images.

We urged “a new intolerance towards perverts fuelling a heinous global trade which destroys children’s lives.”

Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood has launched a review into these sentences.

We hope she reads our dossier and concludes as we have:

Enough of this shameful soft justice. Time for change.

Clown under

WILL woke left-wing politicians ever emerge from the teenage protest phase they should have grown out of decades ago?

It’s not just those here, though they are bad enough. Look at their behaviour in Australia towards the King.

His visit Down Under this week, requested by the Aussie government, has been planned for months. He’s pausing his cancer treatment for it.

It’s a gruelling trip for any man of 75, even in full health.

And yet six of Australia’s most senior politicians, left-wing republicans, have made excuses to avoid meeting him. What puerile petulance.

How out of touch too with Aussie voters, who now back our monarchy over a theoretical republic by 45 per cent to 33 — and whose fondness for the Royal Family is growing, not declining.

What a pity so many politicians on the Left prioritise virtue-signalling over duty, not to mention over plain good manners.

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Fury as 30 paedos caught with most disgusting category of child abuse images walk free without serving a day in jail

THIRTY paedophiles who hoarded thousands of pictures of the abuse of children as young as two have walked free from courts across the UK in the last two weeks alone.

The offenders, all found with the most serious Category A images, were spared prison — with one of the sickos smirking as he tasted continued liberty, our investigation reveals.

a man wearing a mask and a hoodie is carrying a green bag that says ' christmas ' on it
Timothy Johnson, 45, who left court hiding his face, had more than 3,500 images of children as young as two
a man with white hair and a beard is wearing a black jacket
Our probe into Britain’s justice system, and its treatment of paedophiles, comes amid continuing anger at a judge’s decision to spare the BBC’s Huw Edwards prison[/caption]
a man with a beard is wearing a blue sweater
Cody Page, 19, from Surbiton, South West London, was caught with one category A video and was handed a six- month jail term, suspended for 18 months on October 2
a man with a beard wearing a black leather jacket
Philip Nwaobasi, 53, from Romford, East London, who was found with 2,118 Category A images
Louis Wood

One culprit with 12,000 pictures got a suspended sentence because of his “good character” while another avoided jail after pleading guilty to viewing only images of children in “discernible pain” because it was “something to watch”.

Our probe into Britain’s justice system, and its treatment of paedophiles, comes amid continuing anger at a judge’s decision to spare the BBC’s Huw Edwards prison despite his having the worst-rated material.

We are calling for all offenders caught with such Category A images to serve time behind bars as part of our Keep Our Kids Safe campaign.

The offence of “making” an indecent image or video can encompass opening an email attachment, downloading and storing images.

It also includes accessing a website where an indecent image “pops up” on screen, receiving an image through social media or live- streaming images of children.

Sentencing guidelines for possessing them allow for jail terms ranging from 26 weeks to three years.

Judges can impose a suspended sentence if there is strong personal mitigation, a realistic chance of rehabilitation, or a factor which would mean others would be harmed by them going to prison.

As if victims did not matter

An overhaul of the punishments is understood to be “in scope” for a sentencing review due to be announced soon by Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood.

Child abuse campaigner Shy Keenan told The Sun that handing paedophiles suspended sentences and community orders made it appear as if victims did not matter.

Shy, who was raped and abused by her stepfather from age four, said: “We victims have been subject to decriminalisation of one the most life and soul-destroying crimes.

“Each new download is a re-victimisation . . . over and over again.

“Our recovery and survival starts with how society deals with the crime in the first place and at the moment the message is clear: we don’t matter. Ignoring this ‘gateway crime’ just kicks these dangerous sex offenders into the long grass for the next children to manage.”

a man walking down stairs with a no entry sign on the door
David Smith, 72, from Bournemouth was found with one category A image and one category B – he was given a 26-week sentence suspended for two years on October 7
a man with a beard wearing a lacoste jacket
Phillip Maidment, 29, from Bournemouth was found with six category A images, three category B and 26 category C
a man in a suit and tie is standing in front of a canned utilities sign
Roger Hawes, 57, from Eastleigh, Hants was found with 386 category A images, 461 category B and 15,086 category C
a bald man wearing sunglasses and a black jacket
Martin Evans, 65, from Swansea, downloaded one category A, five category B and 11 category C
a man wearing glasses and a black adidas jacket walks down a sidewalk
Mohamad Manga, 48, from Dewsbury, West Yorks, had 12 category A photographs of children, 14 category C and six category B. Six months’ jail, suspended for two years
Ben Lack

Among those freed in the last two weeks were Tony Swale, 67, who stockpiled pictures and videos of kids as young as four.

He grinned as he left court after telling cops: “I’m the victim.” District Judge Adrian Lower gave him an 18-month community order and a five-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order.

Only moments earlier on October 2, he had jailed a shoplifter for 22 weeks at York magistrates’ court.

Timothy Johnson, 45, who left court hiding his face, had more than 3,500 images of children as young as two. Of those, 565 were Category A and 401 Category B.

Sentencing him at Bournemouth crown court, Judge Robert Pawson said some were of “the most foul sexual abuse”. Jailing him for 12 months, suspended for two years, he said: “You are directly contributing to the rape of children by downloading those images because if people like you didn’t download them then other people wouldn’t take them and put them on the internet.”

‘The lowest of the low’

Philip Nwaobasi, 53, from Romford, East London, who was found with 2,118 Category A images, the most in our probe, got ten months, suspended for 18 months, and was ordered to do 100 hours of unpaid work. He was spared prison after Snaresbrook crown court was told on October 8 that he had come to the “realisation that these are real children”.

Meanwhile, bus driver Charlie Young, 21, from Didcot, Oxfordshire, was allowed to go free after being found with 48 Category A images, one showing the rape of a girl aged between five and seven.

Sentencing him at Oxford crown court on October 4, Recorder Jaron Crooknorth told him: “Your offending fuels offending that causes misery to children.”

These offenders are some of the lowest of the low and it is essential our justice system punishes these dreadful and repulsive criminals to the fullest extent.

ory MP Saqib Bhatti

David Carpenter, 65, got 16 months’ jail, suspended for 18 months, for possessing 277 Category A images, 204 Category B and 257 Category C.

Sentencing him at Luton crown court on October 9, Judge Allison Hunter KC said: “These are extremely serious and disgusting offences to find a man of your advanced age to plead guilty to.”

During our probe, we saw some offenders jailed for accessing indecent images — but only if they faced other charges, such as breaching a Sexual Harm Prevention Order or making contact with children online.

Backing The Sun’s campaign to increase sentences, Tory MP Saqib Bhatti said: “These offenders are some of the lowest of the low and it is essential our justice system punishes these dreadful and repulsive criminals to the fullest extent.”

Speaking on The Sun’s Never Mind The Ballots show, former PM Boris Johnson called for tougher sentences for sex offenders.

He stressed: “What they’re doing is feeding a trade that dehumanises and gravely, gravely injures the most vulnerable people.”

The Ministry of Justice said: “Sentences are decided by independent judges after considering the facts of the case. They can impose a range of tough requirements on offenders given suspended sentences and sex offenders will also be put on the register to keep the public safe.”

a man and a woman are standing in front of a sign that says ' eessid police ce ce '
Mark Bullen, 38, from Middlesbrough. Found with 556 category A images, 384 category B, and 2,535 category C. Given a 15-month prison sentence suspended for two years
Evening Gazette
a man in a suit stands in front of a sign for the magistrates court
Tony Swale, 67, from Birstwith, North Yorks. Stockpiled images and videos of children between four and 12, including 91 category A. Got an 18-month community order
a man wearing glasses and a blue jacket is walking down the street
David Carpenter, 65, from Sandy, Beds. Had 277 category A images, 204 category B and 257 category C. He was given a 16-month suspended sentence on October 9
John McLellan
a man wearing a black nike jacket holds a cell phone
Kyren Beard, 35, of Hornchurch, East London. Made 44 category A images, 52 category B and 708 category C. Got six months suspended for two years on October 3
Louis Wood
a man wearing glasses and a black sweater is walking in the grass
Brandon Senior, 24, from Barnsley, South Yorks. Found with a stash including photos and footage of children as young as four. He was given a suspended two-year jail term
a man walking down the street looking at his phone
Muhammed Saim Shazad, 22, of Harlow, Essex, was sent child abuse images, some in the worst category, of kids as young as eight. He got 12 months, suspended for 18 months
Andrew Styczynski
a man with a cane is looking at his phone
Gareth Williams, 44, from Ealing, West London, had 177 Category A, 12 Category B and nine Category C images and was given a ten-month suspended sentence on October 8
Louis Wood


THESE are the remainder of the paedophiles who avoided jail despite being caught with sick images in all categories, including the most serious:

Robert Senior, 59, from Barnsley, had 65 Category A images. He received a two-year community order and sexual harm prevention order.

Dean Rawlings, 56, from Cullompton, Devon, had six Category A. He got a suspended three-month sentence, and sexual harm prevention order.

Charlie Young, 21, from Didcot, Oxon, had 48 Category A. Six months’ jail suspended for two years, with a sexual harm prevention order.

Vasil Slavilov, 18, from Forest Gate, East London, had 183 Category A images. He got a two-year community order.

Alex Baker, 29, from Walsall, had 193 images including Category A, and got a two-year community order, and a sexual harm prevention order.

Paul Birleson, 48, from Chester Le Street, Co Durham, had one Category A image. He got 24 months’ jail suspended for two years.

Nicholas Brown, 30, from Bedford, had two in Category A. He got a three-year community order.

Robert Allen, 46, from Dartmouth, Devon, had four Category A pics and got a 12-month community order and 180 hours of unpaid work.

Stephen Crawford, 62, from Windermere, Cumbria, had 503 Category A images. He was handed an eight-month sentence, suspended for 18 months, and 200 hours of unpaid work.

Gary Redmond, 67, from Shrewsbury, Shrops, had three Category A. He got 20 weeks in prison, suspended for two years.

Kenneth Moncrieff, 44, from Windermere, Cumbria, had one Category A. He go a ten-month sentence, suspended for two years.

Andrej Dano, 70, from Manchester, had one category A image and got a two-year community order.

Christopher Eke, 26, from King’s Lynn, Norfolk, had 69 Category A videos. He was sentenced to six months in jail, suspended for 12 months.

Jonathan Shaw, 42, from Holmfirth, West Yorks, had 31 Category A. He got a community order for 18 months and must do 100 hours of unpaid work.

John Evans, 70, from Cardiff, had 32 in Category A and contacted someone he thought was a 12-year-old girl but was actually an undercover cop. He was handed eight months in prison, suspended for two years.

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I built WW2-style underground BUNKER beneath my unassuming bungalow with 35ft tunnel & accessible through old well

A MAN built a World War II-style underground bunker beneath his unassuming bungalow.

Dave Billings, 43, dug deep a whopping 11 years ago when he decided to tunnel 35ft down from an old well.

a man laying in a tunnel that says tunnel entrance subscribe
Dave said it is a childhood dream of his to have a bunker attached to his home[/caption]
a yellow tractor is parked under a wooden structure
The site was originally just an old well before Dave got his hands on it[/caption]
a construction site with a brick house in the background
The bunker is built at the back of his bungalow[/caption]
a key is laying on the ground in the middle of a tunnel
The bunker is 35ft down and 13sqm long[/caption]

The DIY project soon escalated to the next level – with Dave constructing a 140ft bunker, likened to the one in the 1963 film The Great Escape.

Dave, from Derbyshire, said: “I’ve always wanted to find a bunker on the property, but when I didn’t I thought I’ll build one myself.

“It’s a bit of a childhood dream, really.”

The site originally had nothing more than an old well, so Dave built stairs which now lead to his 13sqm den.

Inspired by the iconic escape tunnel from WWII prisoner camps, Dave crafted the tunnel by hand.

He now even plans to line it with wood to replicate the original.

Although it’s not connected to his house just yet, Dave plans to extend the bungalow closer and include a secret door inside – joining the two.

Dave added: “I want to be able to walk through the house, down into the bunker, through the tunnel and come up out of the well in the garden.

“It’s like a secret passageway.

“Plus, if I have friends over they can use the tunnel without disturbing my wife!”

Dave has even constructed a “beer lift” disguised as a keg to carry drinks down to the bunker.

He said: “I made a barrel lift because the stairs are tricky for carrying stuff like beers.

“So now I can just send them down in style.”

So far, Dave has spent £30k on his new bunker and he estimates the final cost to be around £35k.

He added: “I spent about £4k on bricks and then other materials like concrete, waterproofing and insulation.

“Since I’m building everything myself, I’ve been able to cut costs on a lot of things.

“I’m just doing silly things. I want to have a remote-controlled fridge that drives up to you with a beer.

“But I haven’t thought how I would turn that dream into reality.

“I designed everything in Computer-aided design but I’ve got a structural engineer checking the specs.”

a sign that says bunker 35ft on it
Dave plans to connect the bunker to his home – accessing it through a secret door[/caption]
a man wearing a shirt that says ' simpson motors ' on it
Dave wants to keep working on the bunker and says it will ‘never be finished’[/caption]
a large keg is sitting on a lift in a grassy field
Dave now has a beer lift that delivers him a nice cold beverage while he’s in the bunker
a person wearing white gloves is walking through a tunnel
He built stairs 35ft down from an old well[/caption]

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Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins winners revealed after gruelling finale

GEORGIA Harrison and Lani Daniels won Celebrity SAS Who Dares Wins after they passed selection in tonight’s final.

Two celebrities triumphantly passed the gruelling course in the concluding episode.

two women wearing overalls with the number 10 and 9 on them
Channel 4
Georgia Harrison and Lani Daniels won Celebrity SAS Who Dares Wins after they passed selection in tonight’s final[/caption]
a woman standing next to a barrel with the number 11 on it
Channel 4
The instructors gathered together, and told the girls the good news[/caption]
a close up of a woman 's face with a black jacket on
Channel 4
Lani was told she’d passed[/caption]
a group of people standing in front of a fence with barrels and a sign that says ' a ' on it
Channel 4
The two women looked delighted as it was revealed that they’d passed[/caption]

Monday night’s series final saw Georgia Harrison, Lani Daniels, Anthony Ogogo and Bianca attempt to prove their mettle one last time and pass the course.

And doing just that was former Love Island star Georgia Harrison, 29, and pro boxer Lani Daniels, 25, who both passed.

The two women looked delighted as it was revealed that they’d passed.

The instructors gathered together, and told the girls the good news, after they were led out to stand in front of them and removed their hoods.

They said: “We’ve told you from the start what we were looking for.

“Have you got guts, determination, grit? Can you get knocked back and go forward again.

“Do you have courage, trust and honesty? Would we have that person stood next to us?”

Georgia, who was number ten, and Lani, who was number nine, were then told they’d both passed selection.

Georgia and Lani embraced and Lani could be seen with tears in her eyes.

Georgia said: “I can’t believe it was me and you. Thank you, that was brutal, you lot are sick.”

Foxy told the cameras: “I think this has taught me that women are f****** tough. They’re resilient and they’ve outshone the men.”

Lani told the cameras: “I think my downfall is that I’ve never really believed in myself.

“This was my time to shine and there’s nothing that is going to stop me.”

The penultimate episode saw Bobby Norris depart after a doctor recommended his exit following a wrestling match.

Celebrity SAS Who Dares Wins winners

Many celebrities have attempted the infamous Channel 4 quasi military training course - but only a select few have successfully passed.

Series 1 (2019) – Wayne Bridge

Series 2 (2020) – Locksmith and Lauren Steadman

Series 3 (2021) – Alexandra Burke, Aled Davies and Wes Nelson

Series 4 (2022) – AJ Pritchard, Calum Best, Ferne McCann and Maisie Smith

Series 5 (2023) – Gareth Gates

He took on towering basketball player Ovie Soko, who won the bout and ripped Bobby’s shirt.

The tough challenge recruits were tasked with wrestling an opponent and getting them outside a makeshift ring filled with mud.

Afterwards, Bobby requested a medic and was sent to a doctor who said he needed to medically withdraw him from the show.

The medical professional said Bobby had “a lot of spasm” going down his neck which was “likely to increase”.

He added: “Your mobility is going to get more restricted, and you’re going to be at risk of doing yourself more damage.”

Former professional boxer Anthony Ogogo was the last competitor standing after all six recruits faced off in the ring.

The episode also saw Love Island star Ovie and presenter Cherry Healey exit.

Cherry was the first to bow out during Sunday night’s instalment.

She told instructor Jason Fox: “It’s been life-changing, but I know when the line is and that’s fine. I thought about this long and hard.”

As for Ovie, he left while “on the run” in a challenge that split the recruits into two teams.

The groups’ aim was to find their way to safety in the middle of the night.

In the meantime, they were being pursued by a hunter force made up of ex-military members.

Speaking to reality star Georgia Harrison, Ovie said: “I’m done… I’m going to hand my armband in.”

Sunday night’s episode also saw the recruits given a chance to speak to their loved ones.

However, boxer-turned-wrestler Anthony decided not to as it would make him “look soft”.

The likes of John Barrowman, Pete Wicks and Shazia Mirza exited earlier in the series.

a woman in a grey jacket is standing next to another woman in a grey jacket .
Channel 4
Georgia and Lani were seen running out of camp[/caption]
a group of people standing in a field with mountains in the background
Pete Dadds
Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins concluded tonight[/caption]

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Fans stunned with one team ‘set to host a racecourse’ in sensational FA Cup round one draw blunder

FANS spotted a funny mistake by the FA following the release of the FA Cup first-round fixtures.

The first round proper will take place between November 1-4.

a trophy with a red ribbon that says adobe on it
The draw for the FA Cup first round has been made[/caption]

It will feature some big teams like Birmingham, Huddersfield and Wrexham, as well as non-league minnows.

A total of 44 names were pulled out of the hat for the first round – but one appeared as something else on the FA‘s website.

In the list of fixtures they listed a tie between Hartlepool/Brackley vs Aintree.

A correction was later made so the correct team, Braintree Town, was put in place of Aintree.

But not before eagle-eyed fans spotted the mistake, with some joking the game would be held on a racecourse, referencing Aintree’s famous horse racing venue.

One fan reacted saying: “Wonder how long it will take for the FA to realise that they’ve currently got the winner of the Hartlepool-Brackley replay hosting a race course…”

Another added: “To be a fair, a team of players on horses is something I’d pay good money to see.”

Elsewhere there are some notable ties including AFC Wimbledon‘s visit to MK Dons.


a screenshot of the fa shows a list of matches including rotherham united v cheltenham town
The FA listed Aintree instead of Braintree

While League One leaders Birmingham face a trip to non league side Sutton United.

Huddersfield also take on non league Tamworth.

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