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Cristiano Ronaldo detona arbitragem na Nations League

Cristiano Ronaldo abre o jogo sobre o que acha de Lamine YamalO confronto entre Escócia e Portugal pela Liga das Nações da Uefa terminou empatado sem gols, com destaque para a irritação de Cristiano Ronaldo em relação à arbitragem. O jogo ocorreu em condições climáticas adversas no Hampden Park, Glasgow, nesta terça-feira, 15. Arbitragem Gera Polêmica Comandada por Lawrence Visser, da Bélgica, a arbitragem foi alvo...

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BMW apresenta novas versões das Scooters C 400 GT e C 400 X na Europa

BMW apresenta novas versões das Scooters C 400 GT e C 400 X na EuropaA BMW lançou na Europa as atualizações para os modelos de scooters de média cilindrada C 400 GT e C 400 X, já na linha 2025. As novidades incluem novas cores e equipamentos aprimorados, enquanto a mecânica permanece inalterada. No mercado brasileiro, apenas o modelo C 400 X está disponível, sem as novas atualizações introduzidas...

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Oposição se organiza contra projeto que limita compras internacionais para o PAC

Bia Kicis Paulo GonetA Frente Parlamentar do Livre Mercado (FPLM) se manifestou contrária ao projeto de lei que determina a aquisição de “80% de conteúdo nacional” – ou seja: produtos, insumos e serviços- para obras do Novo Plano de Aceleração do Crescimento (Novo PAC). A Frente anunciou que vai atuar para impedir o avanço do texto na Câmara....

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Jorge e Mateus anunciam turnê de 20 anos

Em 2025, a icônica dupla de sertanejo universitário, Jorge & Mateus, dará início a uma turnê especial celebrando 20 anos de carreira. Prevista para começar em abril, a turnê irá revisitar grandes sucessos das últimas duas décadas e apresentar novas canções. Passando por várias capitais e festivais renomados do Brasil, a turnê promete proporcionar aos...

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Francis Ford Coppola traz “Megalópolis” ao Brasil

Francis Ford Coppola traz "Megalópolis" ao BrasilO renomado cineasta norte-americano Francis Ford Coppola estará no Brasil ao final de outubro para promover seu mais recente lançamento, Megalópolis. A visita ocorre a convite da produtora O2 Filmes e da distribuidora O2 Play. Seu itinerário exato permanece sob sigilo, mas há expectativas de que sua vinda culmine com o encerramento da 48ª Mostra Internacional...

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“Coringa: Delírio a Dois” é superado por filme gospel

Coringa: Delírio a Dois entra em pré-venda no StreamingO filme “Coringa: Delírio a Dois”, sequência aguardada do fenômeno de 2019, apresentou uma queda significativa no número de espectadores em seu segundo fim de semana de exibição no Brasil. Mesmo sendo a continuação de um grande sucesso, a presença nos cinemas diminuiu drasticamente, afetando o desempenho financeiro do longa estrelado por Joaquin Phoenix e...

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Horoscope today, October 16, 2024: Daily star sign guide from Mystic Meg

OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégée Maggie Innes.

Read on to see what’s written in the stars for you today. 


March 21 to April 20

Do take a source of cash advice seriously today – there can be a “U” message in there that’s relevant to Aries and may give you the tools to construct a new future.

Your makeover zone is growing more visible, and forgotten faces can play a part, perhaps linked to a TV show – or a recently published book.

Get all the latest Aries horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

an advertisement for mystic meg with maggie innes on wednesday
Your daily horoscope for Wednesday


April 21 to May 21

You have so many moon-led depths to your chart of the day. So you may surprise everyone around you by how you respond to pressure.

And no one will take any aspect of you for granted again.

Pluto shakes up your travel zone and you can head off in any direction that feels right to you. Luck opens a pink door.

Get all the latest Taurus horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


May 22 to June 21

Gentle Neptune brings a sensitive set of feelings into play – and some unexpected people can catch you unawares by how much they care.

Do accept any offers of time, or support.

A travel promise may have been stalling, but it can accelerate once it gets the green light. So do get all the paperwork in place.


June 22 to July 22

Yes, you should listen to career advice from significant people, but you don’t need to follow it.

Because you are the only person who really knows where your professional destiny should go next.

Calmly repeating a request, as often as it takes, can be the key to fixing a communication glitch, in love or at work.

Get all the latest Cancer horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


July 23 to August 23

Dreams and desires make a mesmerising Leo mix – with room for fresh faces.

You could face a choice between two totally different fantasy futures.

At home, it may feel selfish (at first) to stand up for yourself. But by tonight you will recognise the rewards.

A golden ticket can link to a contest for couples.

Get all the latest Leo horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


August 24 to September 22

In passion terms, you’re slow to warm up but totally devoted when you do.

Today, a partner will feel the full benefit of this.

If you’re single, your soulmate can be someone you first met at a friend’s celebration.

The more specific you can make creative chats, the better – especially into the evening.

Get all the latest Virgo horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

a purple circle with the zodiac signs in it
Faking confidence can get the real deal started[/caption]


September 23 to October 23

Decisions may be delayed by the moon, but what matters is how you react.

Mars wakes up your gung-ho self, but don’t cut off any channels too soon.

Stick with a process and trust it to speed up again.

Later, romance is a heady mix of loyalty and passion – so you can leave recent near-misses firmly in the past.

Get all the latest Libra horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

List of 12 star signs


October 24 to November 22

Fitness is part of your personal strategy, as you take stock of where you would like to be.

However far away this feels, your chart shows you are on your way – as Pluto gives you the positive self-talk to overcome barriers.

As for relationships, love blends carefree fun with steady commitment, putting a wish into words.

Get all the latest Scorpio horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


November 23 to December 21

Genuine friends will give without expecting anything in return – but this works both ways.

If you know you’ve been leaning too hard on one person, or group, try to work out a new balance.

Later, a hidden crush rushes to the surface, immersing you in heart-racing passion.

Check past timetables to look for lost items.

Get all the latest Sagittarius horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


December 22 to January 20

Your home sector boasts some zodiac twists – what seems like a simple choice could still get complicated.

Pluto is keeping you on your toes, but you can come through this stronger.

Tonight, deep romance is afoot, the scent of spices can be your location clue.

Luck takes you back to a “B” July event.

Get all the latest Capricorn horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

a zodiac circle with the signs of the zodiac on it
Pluto unsettles secrets, so take care[/caption]


January 21 to February 18

Venus and Saturn make a strong love bond, but this can turn towards predictability.

When you meet at times and in places that are non-routine, and let secret, sensual sides of yourself show, a partner will welcome this.

If you’re single, look beyond your usual type to someone who loves to read.

Get all the latest Aquarius horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions


February 19 to March 20

New levels of love in your chart can be based on simple pleasures.

This means couples who may have sensed some distance forming, can be close again.

While if you’re seeking someone new, a name next to yours on a letter or in an email chain can fit the bill.

Luck links to an Aries with a brand new image.

Get all the latest Pisces horoscope news including your weekly and monthly predictions

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Nearly half of pensioners who lose winter fuel allowance ‘planning to only heat and live in one room’

NEARLY half of pensioners who lose their winter fuel allowance are planning to only heat and live in one room, a survey shows.

A fifth of people were already planning to do this but an extra 29 per cent will undertake the extreme measure as a result of the cut.

an elderly woman sitting on a window sill looking out
Nearly half of pensioners who lose their winter fuel allowance are planning to only heat and live in one room[/caption]
an elderly woman wrapped in a green blanket is drinking from a blue mug
An extra 29 per cent will now undertake the extreme measure as a result of the cut[/caption]

The survey comes as campaigners hand in more than 500,000 signatures calling on Ministers to protect the payment worth up to £300.

Some 44 per cent of older people said the benefit axe would have a harmful impact on their physical health over the winter months.

The new polling for Independent Age also revealed 43 per cent of older people are planning on wearing outdoor clothes while indoors such as hats and coats.

Figures show that only 65 per cent of eligible older people receive Pension Credit allowing them to receive the benefit. But it means 760,000 eligible households will lose out on the cash this year.

The Chancellor announced in July that the benefit would be means-tested as she said she had to fill a £22 billion financial black hole left by the Tory administration.

Joanna Elson, boss of Independent Age, said: “Tying the Winter Fuel Payment to Pension Credit now will see far too many older people fall through the cracks.

“Pension Credit still has a stubbornly low take up and in addition there is a large group of older people living just above the entitlement’s threshold, sometimes by just a few pounds.

“People in this situation will now have this vital money taken away from them.”

Meanwhile, it emerged that the government is facing a £100 million bill for the state pension next year under the triple lock guarantee.

The benefit rises every year in line with the highest of wages, inflation or 2.5 per cent.

Official figures show wage growth at 4 per cent in the three months to July which is set to determine the increase.

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