South Tv – Page 163 – Cannasumer

South Tv

South Tv

I make uniforms that are so controversial schools ban them – trolls say they’re ‘horrific’ but I’m banking thousands

THERE’S no doubt about it, school uniforms are pretty boring and certainly the last clothes most girls would choose to wear.

That is unless of course they are lucky enough to have their uniforms designed by Dawn Pritchard.

a woman wearing a black shirt with a floral design on it is sitting in front of a sewing machine
Pretty Pigtails
Dawn Pritchard makes a living from her pretty uniforms[/caption]
a little girl wearing a straw hat giving a peace sign
Pretty Pigtails
Rather than boring schoolwear, Dawn’s designs look straight out of a fairytale[/caption]
a little girl wearing a black dress with blue bows
Pretty Pigtails
A full set costs parents around £45 and they’re very different to standard uniforms[/caption]

The single mum-of-three is the woman behind Pretty Pigtails, the childrenswear brand that has amassed millions views on TikTok thanks to her pretty approach to uniform.

Forget dull grey pinafores and boring book bags, Dawn’s school uniform designs look like they’re straight out of a fairytale thanks to their ruffles, bows and lace – all in school colours of course.

However, while the uniforms might be pretty, the comments on Dawn’s TikTok account can be extremely ugly with the mum admitting her designs have caused controversy.

“Those are horrific and extremely tacky,” writes one troll in the comments, while another says, “Kids would be bullied wearing those.”

“They go to learn, it’s not a fashion show,” another mum adds, while a fourth chimes in: “These are awful, are schools allowing these?”

And the answer is yes they are.

While not all schools will permit a customised uniform, Dawn says that she rarely has any of her designs returned by customers.

Speaking exclusively to Fabulous, she says: “I’m always very clear that some schools won’t allow the uniform.

“I ask them to check with their school because I don’t want them being sent home and that coming back on me.

“I do get some truly disgusting comments on TikTok but at the same the hateful and horrible messages bring my views up.

“Some of the videos where I have had the most criticism are where I have got the most customers from.

“So I’d encourage my trolls to carry on.”

While Dawn’s designs might be dazzling, it wasn’t style she was striving for when she first began making uniforms.

“My daughter had been struggling to find school uniform to fit right,” she explains.

“It was either uncomfortable or didn’t fit quite right and so I decided I would just make her some.

Dawn says that parents spend up to £2000 on her unique designs
Pretty Pigtails
a girl wearing a blue shirt and a skirt with red ruffles
Pretty Pigtails
While mums are thrilled with their purchases some trolls have branded the designs ‘tacky’[/caption]

“My parents had given me a sewing machine for my birthday, I didn’t have any training and I can’t follow a dress pattern for the life of me, but I gave it a go.

“I soon had strangers stopping me in the street to ask where I had bought my girls’ clothes and I realised I might be onto something.”

Dawn, who had previously been claiming benefits, set up her Pretty Pigtails Facebook page in 2015 where she initially had just 60 followers, she now has more than 10,000.

Customers can submit orders to her directly will a full customised uniform set coming in at £45, but the mum says customers rarely stop there.

“My full set includes a dress, polo, socks, hair bow and cardigan is £45 but believe it or not the majority will buy seven sets,” she says.

How can I save money on school uniforms?

IF you are struggling to afford the cost of school uniform or PE kit, you may be able to apply for a grant from your local council - but the criteria vary from council to council.

This is usually in the form of a one-off payment paid directly into your bank account. Some councils will reimburse payments made to approved retailers.

You can ask your local council what help is available and when you need to apply.

If you can’t get targeted help from your council, there are other options to get cheap uniform.

Speak to your school to see if they can offer you some clothing.

Some charities offer help to families in need too. Charity Turn2Us has a free grants search tool on its website which you can use to find out what help is available to you.

Charity shops can also be a good place to find cheap school uniform.

“I’ve got a lady that ordered with me for next year and her total order is £2,200 just on school uniform.”

In an average month Dawn receives around 100 orders, all of which she makes at home on her own while juggling childcare.

And that means working very long hours.

“I just work around the school day, I’ll be sewing all day sometimes for up to 15 hours,” she says.

“I make around ten dresses a day typically, it can be more if we’re approaching a new term.

The main feedback I get from mums is how beautiful their daughters felt in their uniform

Dawn Pritchard

“It can be really chaotic, working from home is certainly not the easy option but I love my business and what it enables me to do for my girls.”

Dawn has ten designs that customers can choose from and then they can request adjustments accordingly.

While parents must send their children’s size for Dawn to make the clothes, she never includes a sizing label.

She explains: “Girls are so aware of their size from such a young age and I hate the thought of an eight-year-old being teased for wearing a size 12-13.

“I’m really passionate about positive body image because my daughter struggled to get a uniform.

“She’s ten and I couldn’t get any to fit her, she’s not overweight it’s just that these supermarket clothes fit so poorly.

“How heartbreaking is it to know that nothing fits and it isn’t your fault or anything to do with your size?”

Dawn says that her main objective in making the uniforms is to make sure the girls who wear them feel good.

“The main feedback I get from mums is how beautiful their daughters felt in their uniform,” she says.

“That’s my main objective to make children feel fantastic in what they’re wearing and to look back at pictures and remember how lovely they looked.

“And I believe that’s exactly what I achieve with my unique creations.”

a child 's plaid outfit is hanging on a wooden hanger
Pretty Pigtails
Dawn says that trolls only help her to sell more uniform[/caption]
a group of children 's clothes are hanging on a wall
Pretty Pigtails
She says that while some schools don’t allow her designs, many do[/caption]

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Seven ways to guarantee great sex every time and the exact length it SHOULD last

SEX is good for you but finding the time and energy for action beneath the sheets can sometimes mean it gets slung to the bottom of the to-do list.

But breaking it down into small, manageable numbers can help get your energy for enjoyable romps back up and running. 

a woman in a red bra is kissing a man
A sex therapist discussed some of the best ways to guarantee a good session (stock image)[/caption]

From the minutes you should spend on foreplay to the optimum time and day of the week to get steamy, these are the numbers backed by research to guarantee pleasure in the bedroom.


Forget exhausting marathon stints, short sex sessions trigger a burst of feel-good hormones which last long after the deed is done – and between just three and seven minutes could be long enough.

A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine asked a group of sex therapists for their opinions on how long sex should last.

Results showed that “adequate” sex lasted three to seven minutes while “desirable” sex lasted seven to 13 minutes.

Sex and relationship expert Charlotte Johnson, agrees.

“Ultimately, sexual intercourse typically lasts around three to seven minutes before optimal pleasure but it’s important to consider you and your partner’s needs,” she says.


Don’t panic men – it should take you precisely 13.41 minutes to hit the female G-spot, according to research. 

“Foreplay is something that shouldn’t be rushed, as you’re warming your bodies up and intensifying your sexual chemistry before moving onto penetrative intercourse,” Charlotte says.

A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine revealed that 13.41 minutes is the average time it takes for women to reach orgasm.

And it’s definitely worth waiting until that golden moment because the health benefits of a good orgasm are numerous. 

According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, the brain gets a workout during an orgasm because of increased blood flow.

This means, when you’re in the throes of pleasure, your brain is lighting up like a Christmas tree. 

According to another study in the National Library of Medicine, a good romp can also slow down the ageing process.

This is because orgasms help to keep your blood pressure low, meaning the more orgasms you have, the more youthful you probably look. 

And a study published in Harvard Health Publishing highlighted that orgasms are good for mental health too.

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Orgasms release oxytocin, the “feel-good hormone,” and so having steamy sex will simply make you happier. 


Going at it in the morning – around 45 minutes after you wake up when you have the most stamina – could be the key to great sex according to research by British supplement company Forza Industries. 

However, the average couple is most likely to get steamy between 9:00 PM and midnight.

“Sex at night though is typically the most common time for couples who want to have something to look forward to after a long day,” Charlotte explains. 

“Plus, because orgasms release hormones oxytocin and prolactin, which aid sleep, it means you’re likely to fall asleep faster.” 

However, scrap mid-morning romps – most people’s stress levels peak by 10:45 AM, meaning they’re less inclined to want or enjoy sex.


The first Saturday of the month is when couples are their horniest, says sex toy firm LoveHoney.

44% admitted Saturday was their favourite day of the week to romp.

And, although it’s a while off, circle July on the calendar because sexual activity is at its peak in the summer months as we wear fewer clothes, making us more appealing to the opposite sex.


Puckering up puts you in the mood for sex and Charlotte says kissing promotes bonding. 

It can also boost immunity with an average of 80 million bacteria being transferred through saliva during a ten-second smooch. 

A study published in the journal Microbiome said that couples who kissed frequently shared salivary microbiota, which forces the body to make antibodies to battle foreign bacteria. 

“Kissing before sex can last anywhere from 10 seconds to five minutes and it is something that can enhance your sexual mood and bring you closer to your partner,” Charlotte says.

“Of course, this can differ depending on preference, but kissing usually continues during penetration too, strengthening your connection.”

a man and woman kissing on a bed with a white blanket
Experts recommend incorporating at least five minutes of kissing before having sex (stock image)[/caption]


Ladies – for the best orgasms, have sex halfway through your monthly cycle. 

“Some women find their sexual desire increases in the days leading up to ovulation and will decrease shortly after,” Charlotte says.

A 2015 review published in the National Library of Medicine explained women feel their most horny at that time because of a peak in estrogen.

And scientists believe estradiol especially – one of the three types of estrogen hormone – increases arousal in women. 

After ovulation, progesterone levels overtake estrogen levels and then they both start to decline which means a woman will feel less likely to want sex. 

“This would also explain why so many women feel like they want sex just before they ovulate,” Charlotte adds.

It can also be the best time for an orgasm, as you will feel more satisfaction and arousal during this time.

Charlotte JohnsonSex and relationship expert

“It can also be the best time for an orgasm, as you will feel more satisfaction and arousal during this time.” 

During an orgasm, your body experiences a physical release of sexual tension that has built up during the first two phases of the sexual response cycle. 

Muscles in your genitals and anus rhythmically contract repeatedly, heart and breathing rate and blood pressure increase and hormones are released.

It’s these hormones that cause happiness because your body releases dopamine – the feel-good hormone – and oxytocin – sometimes also referred to as the “love drug.”

They increase feelings of happiness and counteract the “stress” hormone, cortisol. 

As male hormones fluctuate much less than women’s, there is no advice on the best time of the month for men to have sex. 

But research suggests to secure the best romps as a man, you should allow your testosterone levels to climb during sleep and wake up ready for sex when they’re at their peak. 


The eternal question for sex-active couples everywhere: How often should I be having sex?

If you’re happy with the amount of times you and your partner are having sex, then you’re having enough. 

Research shown on WebMD reveals that pushing sex frequency to more than once a week may decrease your desire for, and enjoyment of, sex. 

A good sex session is as vital as multiple sex sessions. 

It’s important for couples to get their sex drives to sync up and to negotiate how many times a week works for both.

The secret to great sex is to avoid putting it at the bottom of your to-do list and to compromise on when to do it. 

Studies show that once a week sessions are good enough to keep most marriages happy. 

a woman is kissing a man on the forehead
A study revealed the best day of a woman’s cycle to have ‘mind-blowing orgasms’ (stock image)[/caption]

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Warning for 4.3million households who face £218 a year bill rise in big TV shake-up

MILLIONS of households face a £218 a year bill rise as part of a huge TV shake-up.

A new report has revealed that households currently reliant on terrestrial TV could face additional costs of £18.17 per month if forced to switch to internet-only TV.

a person is holding a remote control in front of a television
Broadcast 2040+, a coalition of 35 organisations, is urging the UK government to publicly commit to safeguarding terrestrial services until 2040 and beyond[/caption]

Free-to-air, terrestrial broadcast TV, which millions watch daily using an aerial, is only secure until the early 2030s, when current licences expire, according to consultancy firm EY.

Some industry experts believe the government should actively phase out terrestrial TV to encourage a broader shift to online viewing which is provided solely via a broadband connection.

They argue that this approach is warranted, given that the share of total TV viewing via linear platforms (aerial and cable) has fallen below 50% for the first time.

And in a report released in May, regulator Ofcom said that broadcasters had “voiced concerns” about the commercial viability of maintaining the current terrestrial infrastructure beyond the mid-2030s.

However, EY said internet connections are generally less reliable than terrestrial TV, and millions remain disconnected.

The consultancy firm’s report estimates that in 2040, there will be 4.3million households without high-speed broadband.

A full switchover to internet-only TV viewing would cost £888million in additional annual fixed broadband subscription costs for these households who otherwise would not take it, equivalent to £18.17 per month per household, or £218 per year.

As well as the ongoing costs of a fixed broadband connection, millions of households could also face the upfront costs of new TV equipment and installation support.

David Coulson, partner, economic advisory at EY, said: “If a switch were made to distribute TV exclusively over the internet, even by 2040 approximately four million homes would still need broadband and set-top-box upgrades.

“This is forecast to cost government and consumers over £2billion to set-up, plus a further £900million each year to cover ongoing broadband fees and to support vulnerable users.”

Broadcast 2040+, a coalition of 35 organisations, is urging the UK government to publicly commit to safeguarding terrestrial TV and radio services until 2040 and beyond.

A spokesperson for the campaign said: “This report lays bare the hidden cost of any proposed switch-off of terrestrial TV.

“It would mean vulnerable people being asked to pay more, risk disconnecting millions from universal access to TV.

“The report also makes clear that this costly disruption is not necessary.

“The UK’s current hybrid model of TV, with terrestrial operating alongside online streaming as complementary services, works well and gives us the best of both worlds.”


SWITCHING contracts is one of the single best ways to save money on your mobile, broadband and TV bills.

But if you can’t switch mid-contract without facing a penalty, you’d be best to hold off until it’s up for renewal.

But don’t just switch contracts because the price is cheaper than what you’re currently paying.

Take a look at your minutes and texts, as well as your data usage, to find out which deal is best for you.

For example, if you’re a heavy internet user, it’s worth finding a deal that accommodates this so you don’t have to spend extra on bundles or add-ons each month.

In the weeks before your contract is up, use comparison sites to familiarise yourself with what deals are available.

It’s a known fact that new customers always get the best deals.

Sites like MoneySuperMarket and Uswitch all help you customise your search based on price, allowances and provider.

This should make it easier to decide whether to renew your contract or move to another provider.

However, if you don’t want to switch and are happy with the service you’re getting under your current provider – haggle for a better deal.

You can still make significant savings by renewing your contract rather than rolling on to the tariff you’re given after your deal.

If you need to speak to a company on the phone, be sure to catch them at the right time.

Make some time to negotiate with your provider in the morning.

This way, you have a better chance of being the first customer through on the phone, and the rep won’t have worked tirelessly through previous calls which may have affected their stress levels.

It pays to be polite when getting through to someone on the phone, as representatives are less inclined to help rude or aggressive customers.

Knowing what other offers are on the market can help you to make a case for yourself to your provider.

If your provider won’t haggle, you can always threaten to leave.

Companies don’t want to lose customers and may come up with a last-minute offer to keep you.

It’s also worth investigating social tariffs. These deals have been created for people who are receiving certain benefits.


Watching live TV without a licence can land you in hot water, but you could be entitled to a discounted – or even free – licence.

The price of a TV licence rose from £159 to £169.50 a year in April.

This fee can be paid in one sum or in quarterly or monthly instalments.

You must have a TV licence if you watch TV as it is broadcast – live TV – on any channel, or watch programmes on catch-up on the BBC iPlayer.

You don’t need a TV licence to use streaming services or to watch any other channel’s catch-up service.

You can claim a free TV licence if you’re 75 or older and either receive pension credit yourself or live with a partner who gets the benefit.

You can apply for a free licence when you’re 74, but will still have to pay until the end of the month before your 75th birthday.

You can apply for your free licence online or by calling 0300 790 6071.

Other individuals could also be eligible for a discounted TV licence if they live in residential care or sheltered accommodation or if they’re registered blind.

If you live in sheltered accommodation or residential care and are over 60 or disabled, you can get a licence for just £7.50.

If you’re registered blind or live with someone who is, you’re in line for a 50% discount.

The licence must be in the name if the person registered blind, but if your existing licence is not in their name you can make an application to transfer it.

You can apply for the discount online by visiting


THERE are a number of ways you can watch TV for free without having to pay the licence fee.

Pluto TV

Pluto TV is another free streaming service with more than 100 channels.

Anyone can access Pluto TV for free on the web or on your iPhone and Android device.

Virgin Media has just made it available via some of its boxes – but bear in mind you’d need to pay a TV licence and take out a contract with Virgin to take advantage of this.

Amazon Freevee

Amazon Prime Video may be the first thing you think of but the retail giant also has a growing free alternative.

Freevee is home to exclusives like Judy Justice.

It’s the new home of Neighbours too, which is set to return later this year.

But there’s some classic on-demand content too.

The L Word, Nashville and Parks and Recreation are among the shows available.


All4 is the main source of on-demand programmes from Channel 4, E4, Film4 and More 4.

The service is free to use and funded by advertisements.

All4 offers a free and extensive library of both classic shows and more recent programmes, including complete box sets of some of our most popular series like Gogglebox.


If you’re a fan of Dave, Drama, W and Yesterday then the UKTV Play is the place for you.

The latest featured shows include Meet The Richardsons, Annika and Great British Railway Journeys.

You’ll have to sign up to start watching – and there are ads.


ITVX launched in November, replacing the old ITV Hub.

ITV now drops many new and exclusive shows online before they’re shown on ITV1.

There’s also a load of other shows, including more niche interest like anime.

Free trials

You should take advantage of free trials to keep more of your hard-earned cash.

Some trials are as short as seven days, while others last an entire month.

For example, Amazon Prime Video offers newbies 30 days streaming for free.

Now TV also offers weekly free trails for Sky Cinema and Entertainment packages.

But any savvy savers must remember to unsubscribe to any subscriptions before the end of the trial period or risk incurring further charges.

Customers can also nab a free trial of streaming services when buying new technology.

Some Apple technology purchases will include a free trial of Apple TV+.

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‘Sergio Busquets is an absolute crybaby – I gave Barcelona legend a stern warning’

SERGIO BUSQUETS has been labelled a “crybaby” and “whiner” by Wesley Sneijder.

Sneijder, who starred for Real Madrid and Inter Milan, slammed the Spaniard as he reflected on their past battles.

a man with a beard wearing a suit and ear buds
Wesley Sneijder has recalled how he did not like playing Sergio Busquets[/caption]
a soccer player wearing a pink shirt that says ' uto ' on it
He labelled him a ‘crybaby’ and ‘nasty guy to play against’[/caption]
a soccer player with the number 8 on his jersey
AP:Associated Press
Sneijder recalled Busquets antics in the 2010 Champions League semi-final to try and get Thiago Motta sent off[/caption]

The Dutchman recalled how the Barcelona legend’s antics got under his skin.

Speaking to Ziggo Sports, he said: “He was an extremely annoying player, he was always giving it to others but he could never receive it.”

The second leg of the 2010 Champions League semi-final game was one that particularly irked Sneijder when Thiago Motta tackled the midfielder.

Sneijder said: “In 2010 we beat Barcelona 3-1 at home, then we had to go to Camp Nou and after eight minutes Busquets started rolling on the ground while looking through his hands to see if Motta had a red card.

“He then got up again and was fine, the crybaby. A nasty guy to play against.”

He continued: “I had fights with him in every game.”

Sneijder also revealed how he warned Busquets about meeting in Ibiza, adding: “I’ll see you in Ibiza in the summer, then you and I will talk again.”

Under Jose Mourinho that season, Inter Milan emerged with a remarkable win over Pep Guardiola‘s Barca side – considered by many to be the greatest team in football history.


They then went on to bag the continental Treble, a first in Italian football history.

Meanwhile, Sneijder was full of praise for the recently retired Andres Iniesta.

Unlike his old rival and team-mate, 36-year-old Busquets continues to ply his trade in Major League Soccer alongside Lionel Messi at Inter Miami.

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My man wants to give our son a character-inspired name – trolls say the ‘unfortunate first syllable’ will cause bullying

A WOMAN has revealed that her husband wants to give their son a unique name but her family think it’s a ‘terrible’ idea.

The woman confessed that she and her man have been thinking of name ideas for their future child and her partner is keen on a name inspired by a fictional character.

a woman is holding a sleeping baby in her arms
A woman has revealed that her husband wants to give their future son a character-inspired name[/caption]
Whilst the woman likes the ‘solid name’, she confessed that her family aren’t keen and have voiced concerns over bullying fears
While his career was buffering they managed to have their first child
The name is inspired by Horatio Hornblower – a fictional officer in a series of novels and stories by C. S. Forester
Granada Television

However, whilst she thinks it’s a ‘solid name’, not everyone is as keen.

Unsure on whether to choose a new moniker, the woman took to social media to share the name, leaving many open-mouthed.

Posting on Reddit, on the r/namenerds thread, the anonymous woman wrote under the username @sparkpaw and titled her post ‘Is Horatio really that bad?’

She then explained: “Hubby and I aren’t at having kids yet but we know we want them, and soon, so we’ve been thinking of name ideas.

“Hubby is super inspired by “Horatio Hornblower”, and I like unique names, so we thought that was a solid name for a boy.”

Horatio Hornblower is a fictional officer in the British Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars, the protagonist of a series of novels and stories by C. S. Forester. 

But the woman explained that the character-inspired name hasn’t gone down well with her loved ones, as she added: “However, all of our family has said it’s a terrible idea and that the kid would get bullied badly.”

As a result, she asked Reddit users for advice, as she simply concluded: “Thoughts?” 

Reddit users flocked to the comments to share their thoughts on the unique name, with the overwhelming majority suggesting she choose something else.

Not only did many describe the name as “too out there”, but others agreed with her family that it could cause bullying


One person said: “It’s a lot to live with. It isn’t something I would do just because it’s too out there.” 

Another added: “It reminds me of Horchata. And a 70 year old man. It’s not timeless or classic. It’s kinda ugly sounding.” 

The struggle of choosing a baby name

CHLOE Morgan, a Senior Writer at Fabulous, has revealed her dilemma on choosing a baby name...

At 35 weeks pregnant, by far the trickiest part of pregnancy for me in the past few months (minus the insomnia and countless night-time wee breaks!) has been trying to decide on a baby name.

The dilemmas are endless…

My partner and I went for a private scan to find out the gender as early as we could – partly due to the fact we thought it would make baby naming so much easier because we’d only have to come up with a list of names for one gender rather than two.

How wrong we were…

I was absolutely thrilled to be told I was expecting the baby girl I’d already dreamed of, but being one of the last of my friends to fall pregnant, I’ve had countless conversations over the years with excited pals discussing their top baby names…something which I wish I could go back in time and un-hear.

With each friend mentioning at least 10 possible monikers, I can’t help but feel like several are now a no-go even though I know it’s something that none of them would mind in the slightest – it’s a total me problem!

The debate comes up time and time again on social media forums – can you choose the same name that was a “potential” for a friend’s baby?

It’s a very divisive topic and opinions are always mixed…and I don’t want to be THAT person.

While some will argue there’s thousands of other names out there to choose from, others will say you need to choose YOUR favourite…after all, there’s no guarantee that person will even have another baby.

Then there’s also the issue of finding a name you adore…only to research it online and read one negative comment amongst hundreds of positives that you just can’t shake off.

I made that very mistake when I fell in love with a certain name (I won’t reveal it because I don’t want to ruin it for others!) …only to see someone point out that it constantly gets autocorrected on a phone to something rather rude instead.

So, back to the drawing board we went..

Just five weeks to go and it looks like our little one is going to be known as ‘baby gal’ for a little while longer! 

A third commented: “It’s not a bad name as such, but the combination of it being very uncommon and an unfortunate first syllable could cause problems.” 

Whilst someone else advised: “Don’t do this to your child.”

It’s kinda ugly sounding

Reddit user

At the same time, even a former teacher took to the comments to weigh in on the moniker.

The 46-year-old explained: “I would say… please think about making that the middle name…? At home, you can call your child however you’d like, but when the child goes to school, it might be best if a more common name is used. 

“I’m an African American and have a very unique first name… I also have a more common, standard middle name. I’m glad that at birth I was given both. Most of the time now, I go by my nickname. 

Are Unique Baby Names Worth The Hassle?

YOU may think having a unique name helps you to stand out, but is it all it's cracked up to be?

Fabulous’ Deputy Editor Josie Griffiths reveals the turmoil she faced with her own name while growing up.

When I was a child, all I wanted was one of those personalised keyrings with my name on it.

But no joy, the closest I could find was Rosie, Joseph (not great for a little girl) and Joanne.

Josie is short for Josephine, which is a French name, and I managed to reach my 20s without ever meeting anyone who shared it.

When I try to introduce myself to people, I get all sorts of random things – like Tracey and Stacey – which can be pretty annoying.

Although I have come into contact with a couple of Josies over the last year – there seems to be a few of us around my age – it’s still a much rarer name than most of my friends have.

On the whole I don’t mind it, at least it’s not rude or crazily spelt.

And it means I can get away with ‘doing a Cheryl’ and just referring to myself as Josie.

I’m getting married this year and some friends are shocked that I’m changing my surname, as it’s not seen as very cool or feminist to do so these days, but I explain to them that I’m not that attached to Griffiths as I’d always just say ‘hi it’s Josie’ when ringing a mate up.

I think it’s nice to be unique and I’ll definitely try and replicate this when naming my own kids.

It’s the rude names you’ve got to watch out for, so after nine years as a lifestyle journalist I’ll definitely be avoiding those.

“I think whether a child is bullied or not can depend on the school and the teachers… anyway, usually I think first grade is when the bullying starts, so just try to talk openly with your child around that age, that would be my advice…” 

Thankful for the advice, the Reddit poster later wrote: “There’s a LOT of unique names these days – some completely wild ones, that it doesn’t feel off for me. 

“But I want to consider what my kid might go through.

“We will continue to ponder – thank you!”

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Katie Radford celebrates baby Ronnie’s ‘actual due date’ with adorable new pics as she reveals her first son came early

HE made his big entrance into the world at the beginning of the month.

But first-time mum Katie Radford has revealed baby Ronnie actually arrived 12 days early.

a picture of a baby with the words happy due date below it
Katie Radford took to Instagram to reveal that baby Ronnie had actually arrived 12 days early
a woman is holding a baby in front of a sign that says capable and strong
The baby is the first for Katie and her boyfriend Connor[/caption]
a baby wearing a bib with mickey mouse on it
And the delighted new mum has been sharing various adorable snaps since giving birth
a picture of a baby with a caption that says " a milk drunk beauty look at that little pout "
The tot looked “milk drunk” in this adorable picture

In a post on her Instagram Stories on Sunday, Katie wrote: “Happy due date!”

She also shared two new pictures of the adorable newborn – one of which showed him wrapped up in a grey crocheted blanket.

Another snap showed Ronnie wearing a personalised blue hat with pompoms as he slept soundly in his pram.

His deep naps while on the go might be credited to the £1,150 pram Katie’s parents Sue and Noel splashed out on for their new grandchild.

In an Instagram post, Katie shared a video of the Bugaboo pram, and tagged her parents as she wrote: “Obsessed, thank you so much!”

It appears to be their Bugaboo Dragonfly Essential Bundle in the shade Forest Green, which costs £1,150 for the entire set, including a footmuff and changing bag.

Proud granny Sue reposted the video on her page, adding: “It’s so beautiful.

“Can’t wait to take him out for a spin in his new wheels!”

Baby Ronnie Hudson Carter is the first child for both Katie and her boyfriend Connor.

She announced his birth on her social media pages, as she wrote: “Tuesday 8th October born at 5:03PM weighing 7:11 the day you changed our lives forever little man.

“Mummy and daddy love you so much.”

New dad Connor also appeared over the moon, as he wrote: “Little man finally made an appearance as we are so made up.”

The Radfords are Britain’s largest family, with Morecambe-based parents Noel and Sue having 22 kids.

Little Ronnie is Sue and Noel’s 15th grandchild.

Katie’s family were quick to share their excitement on her post, with Sue writing: “Another grandchild to love welcome to the world Ronnie.”

Her sister Millie, 22 – who has three children herself and is engaged to be married to partner Harley Passmore – wrote: “My beautiful nephew.

Katie Radford's pregnancy timeline

May 2022 – Katie’s boyfriend Connor makes his first appearance on the family’s reality show

January 2024 – Katie asks parents Sue and Noel for permission for Connor to move into their Morecambe mansion with her

May 2024 – Katie announces her pregnancy with footage and snaps from her gender reveal, as she showed she’s having a boy

October 2024 – Katie hosts a Winnie the Pooh themed baby shower

October 8, 2024 – Katie’s baby Ronnie Hudson Carter is born

“I could cuddle him all day. We are all so proud of you Katie.”

Despite being fresh out of the oven, baby Ronnie has already been busy.

As Katie and Sue also shared on Instagram that the tot has had a gorgeous set of newborn photos taken – posting some of the final snaps.

a man and woman hold a newborn baby in front of a sign that says capable and strong
Katie and Connor announced that their newborn had been born on October 8[/caption]
a baby is wearing a shirt that says " i just he for the hug "
He’s Sue and Noel’s 15th grandchild[/caption]
a newborn baby with a pacifier in his mouth
With proud grandma Sue also keen to share snaps of the baby on social media[/caption]
a man pushes a baby in a stroller in a hospital hallway
Sue and Noel treated Katie and Connor to a £1,150 pram set for their baby boy[/caption]

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Pakistan use giant heaters to warm pitch before Third Test against England despite 30C temperature

PAKISTAN are using HEATERS to prepare the pitch for the Third Test — even though the temperature is 30 degrees.

It is the home team’s latest attempt to make sure the surface is a raging turner suited to their spin bowlers.

a group of cricket players wearing shirts that say gatorade
Pakistan installed two heaters to dry out the wicket[/caption]
a group of people running on a field with a fan in the foreground
Ben Stokes compared them to two umpires due to their positioning[/caption]
a group of cricket players wearing shirts that say gatorade
Pakistan hope a dry pitch will help their spin bowlers[/caption]

A pair of giant industrial fans have also again been employed to try to dry the 22-yard strip in Rawalpindi as much as possible.

They were used in the build-up to the Second Test in Multan, where England were beaten by 152 runs.

England captain Ben Stokes described the fans as being like a couple of umpires because they were positioned at the end of the pitch.

The heaters — three at each end and the sort you might use on a patio on a cool evening — are a new method for baking pitches.

Pakistan captain Shan Masood has already admitted that he is hoping for a dry surface. The more moisture sucked from the pitch, the more likely it is to turn.

The forecast for the next week in Rawalpindi is unbroken sun with the mercury reaching 30 degrees.

In Multan, Sajid Khan and Noman Ali became the first pair of spinners to share 20 wickets in a Test match since 1956 —  when Jim Laker took 19 wickets and Tony Lock one against the Aussies at Old Trafford.

Stokes will hope to win the coin toss on Thursday morning so that England can bat first. He must also decide whether to draft in leggie Rehan Ahmed to add more spin options to the attack.


Meanwhile New Zealand weathered a nervy chase to win their first Test on Indian soil since 1988.

The Kiwis made 110-2 on a rain-affected final day to beat India by eight wickets and take a 1-0 lead in the three-match series.

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‘I bought a Bentley after retiring from football – I sold it after three weeks because I felt like a w*****’

GARY NEVILLE has opened up on the most outrageous purchase he’s ever made – and he sold it after just three weeks.

The Manchester United icon turned Sky Sports pundit told the story of splurging out on a Bentley when he hung up his boots.

a man wearing a blue sky radio microphone
Gary Neville has revealed his most outrageous purchase ever[/caption]
a bentley car is on display at a car show
The Man Utd icon splashed out on a Bentley, only to sell it three weeks later[/caption]

Neville, 49, spent the entirety of his 19-year career playing for Man Utd where he became one of the most successful stars in Premier League history.

His time at Old Trafford saw him win EIGHT Premier League titles, two Champions Leagues, three FA Cups and another three League Cups.

After bringing an end to his career in 2011 at the age of 35, Neville felt it was time to reward himself by splashing out on a new Bentley.

Recalling the purchase when speaking on the It’s Called Soccer podcast, he said: “I always said to myself that when I finished my football career I wanted to drive a four-door massive, big Bentley.

“Not the baby Bentley, the big thing. So basically I bought one when I finished my career, a couple years after my career.”

Neville went on to explain that just THREE WEEKS after buying the luxury car, he got rid of it after feeling that he looked like a “w*****” while driving around Manchester.

He said: “I had it for about three weeks. I recognised as I was driving around Manchester that I felt like a w*****.”

Adding: “I literally got rid of it after three weeks and lost a fortune on it.


“I just literally bought this massive big Bentley and thought ‘this is it, you’ve arrived, treat yourself. You’ve had this amazing career, you’ve done everything you wanted to do – you deserve this’

“But as I was driving around I thought I wasn’t being truthful.

“I come from Manchester and you’ve got people looking at you and it made me think ‘It’s not me, it’s not my character – I’m a right-back’.

“You can’t be a right-back and drive a big Bentley.”

Current Manchester United right-back Noussair Mazraoui has just splashed £200,000 himself on a new Bentley himself.

The Morocco international has dropped nearly a quarter of a million pounds on a the new Bentley Bentayga S Black Edition.

a soccer player wearing a snapdragon jersey kicks the ball
Noussair Mazraoui has just splashed on a new Bentley himself[/caption]

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Matt Smith gives concerning update on House of the Dragon series three

HOUSE of the Dragon fans are eagerly awaiting details about the show’s third season, but according to one of its stars, they may be waiting for a while.

During an appearance at New York Comic Con on Sunday, Matt Smith admitted that he is completely in the dark about upcoming plot points on the Game of Thrones prequel.

a man sitting in front of a new york comic con sign
Matt Smith was quizzed about the upcoming series of House of the Dragon at Comic Con[/caption]
a man with blonde hair stands in a crowd of people
The series has been renewed and will last four seasons[/caption]
a group of men sitting in front of a wall that says reedpop
But it appears many of the actors don’t know what’s coming next on the fantasy show[/caption]

Matt, who plays Daemon Targaryen in the hit HBO series, revealed that he has yet to see any scripts for the upcoming season.

He told panelists: “I’ve not heard hide nor hair. I don’t know about you guys. I’ve not heard a thing — have you?”

The actor was joined on the panel by co-stars Fabian Frankel (Criston Cole) and Tom Glynn-Carney (Aegon II Targaryen), who echoed similar sentiments.

Tom quipped: “Not a jot, not a letter. The longer they take, the longer we don’t have to read anything for a while.”

However, Fabian hinted at some insider knowledge, teasing: “I’ve heard some things that I couldn’t possibly share here.”

The uncertainty surrounding the third season comes after the second season wrapped up in August, following an eight-episode run that left fans desperate for more.

Despite the lack of clarity on season three’s script, House of the Dragon has been renewed for two more seasons.

Production for the third series is slated to begin in early 2025, and it will be released in 2026.

Showrunner Ryan Condal revealed in August that the series will conclude after four seasons.

While Ryan confirmed that pre-production work will continue this autumn, there’s still no official word on how many episodes season three will feature.

He admitted: “I haven’t had discussions with HBO about it.

“I would just anticipate the cadence of the show, from a dramatic storytelling perspective, will continue to be the same from season two on.”

Though the second season expanded the story beyond the Targaryens to include Winterfell and other key locations, fans have been left to speculate about where the narrative will head next.

Who stars in House of the Dragon?

A prequel to smash-hit fantasy series Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon premiered in August 2022. The show features an ensemble cast playing characters in the fictional setting of Westeros. Let's take a look at some of the famous faces in House of the Dragon.

Paddy Considine: Actor, director and screenwriter Paddy received the role of King Viserys I Targaryen in House of the Dragon and led the ensemble in sesason one. Paddy’s film credits include Hot Fuzz and The World’s End, while his other TV work ranges from Peaky Blinders, The Outsider and The Third Day. He is also known for his collaborations with director Shane Meadows.

Matt Smith: Matt became the youngest ever actor to play Doctor Who, when he nabbed the role as a 29-year-old in 2009. Now a few years removed from the beloved BBC show, he is now playing the unpredictable Prince Daemon Targaryen in House of the Dragon. Matt also starred as Prince Philip in The Crown, receiving a Primetime Emmy award nomination for his performance.

Olivia Cooke: From Oldham in Greater Manchester, Olivia Cooke has enjoyed success on both sides of the pond. She had a starring role as Emma Decody in Bates Motel from 2013 to 2017. Prior to starring as Alicent Hightower in House of the Dragon, Olivia also appeared in period drama Vanity Fair and the sci-fi film Ready Player One, which was directed by Steven Spielberg.

Rhys Ifans: Before playing Ser Otto Hightower, Rhys Ifans was no stranger to blockbuster franchises. He’s played Xenophilius Lovegood in Harry Potter and Marvel Comics villain Dr Curt Connors/Lizard. He portrayed Mycroft Holmes in CBS series Elementary. Rhys also starred in films such as Notting Hill, Kevin & Perry Go Large and Enduring Love.

Emma D’Arcy: Before landing the role of Princess/Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, Emma had appeared as a main cast member in Wanderlust and Truth Seekers. Their film credits include 2020’s Misbehaviour opposite a cast including Keira Knightley, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Greg Kinnear, Keeley Hawes, Jessie Buckley, Phyllis Logan and Lesley Manville.

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