In the realms of Demon Slayers, one name echoes through all the generations: Yoriichi Tsugikuni, the strongest Demon Slayer that ever existed. His prowess has stained the corps in such a way it could never be scrubbed clean.
However, his rise to the pinnacle of accomplishment could be made possible only through the selflessness of someone else, who chose to step aside and give up his potential and greatness, making a way for Yoriichi’s time to begin.
Tanjiro’s Dad Could Potentially be The Strongest Demon Slayer!
Tanjiro’s father, Tanjuro Kamado, was the culmination of everything good Yoriichi Tsugikuni had ever wanted to be. He possessed a mix of physical capability, spiritual strength, and unyielding compassion that few have been able to truly obtain. Had he ever joined the Demon Slayer Corps, he would easily have surpassed the strongest of the Hashira, becoming a legend himself.
Despite his frail body, which was exceptionally weakened by a tragic disease, the talents of Tanjuro were something to behold. He even killed a tall bear with one single axe strike, moving at incredible velocities. This showed a great body obtained by the mastery of Hinokami Kagura.
Even after being so tired, Tanjuro could still dance the exhausting Hinokami Kagura without showing any signs of exhaustion. This was a testament to the stamina and spiritual energy that forged an indelible mark of the incredible possibilities that could have been if he had chosen to walk the path of the Demon Slayer. And his story is a reminder of the fathomless possibilities that still await discovery.
Why Tanjiro’s Dad Didn’t Join The Demon Slayer Corps?
The clues show that Tanjiro’s father, Tanjuro Kamado, never joined the Demon Slayer Corps because of his illness. However, (as this YouTube short video also suggested) looking deeper into his life presents yet another possible reason: a sense of responsibility to preserve and pass on the Hinokami Kagura dance to succeeding generations.
Also, Tanjiro was the first in the Kamado family to enter the Demon Slayer Corps. Hence, this might point to the fact that Tanjuro’s choice was dictated not only by his illness but also by a great wish to live with his beloved far from the bloody fights. Living in a very hazardous world, Tanjuro may have wanted to shield his family from the cruelties of being a Demon Slayer.
He could finally take proper care of his family and guarantee the continuation of the tradition of Hinokami Kagura by not joining the Corps. Thus, he became selfless to the benefit of his loved ones and set events in motion for Tanjiro to create his own path, forge his own way, and become a strong Demon Slayer in his own right. His life might have been as plain as it gets, but it resulted in significant impacts on all those surrounding him.
The Demon Slayer anime is available to watch on Crunchyroll.
This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire