The Already Overpowered Doctor Doom in Fortnite Now Takes a Trick Out of Marvel vs. Capcom’s Book to Ensure Complete Domination Over the Battle Royale Island – Cannasumer

The Already Overpowered Doctor Doom in Fortnite Now Takes a Trick Out of Marvel vs. Capcom’s Book to Ensure Complete Domination Over the Battle Royale Island

Doctor Doom is having a great time in Fortnite due to the unique and powerful abilities that the character has been blessed with. However, the already-powered character has been making it difficult for other players by dominating the arena consistently.

Marvel x Doom cover image
Fortnite’s latest update features some of the best crossovers. Image Credit: PlayStation YT

Marvel vs. Capcom inspired Doctor Doom has been taken up a notch by Fortnite and it might not be the best thing for players fighting against him. Fortnite’s battle royale just got a major upgrade.

Doctor Doom’s Might Invades Fortnite

Fortnite in-game screenshot of island of doom
Only a handful of lucky players will be able to witness this sight. Image Credit: Epic Games

Doctor Doom is shaping up to be the most overpowered addition to the game, as it is becoming absolutely impossible to beat the Doom’s chosen one. The Doom update has a lot in store for players who are willing to complete the battlepass.

The floating island in the Battle Royale island has a 5% chance of turning into the island of Doom. The player who captures the cauldron gets blessed with the ultimate power of Doctor Doom with some of the coolest animations in Fortnite yet.

There is a 95% chance that you might not be lucky enough to see the floating island transform, and the reason behind the chances of the transformation being too little makes sense. Once the cauldron is captured and you acquire and transform into Doom mythic, it is almost impossible for you to lose the game.

Once transformed, you get upgraded to 500 shields and 500 health along with an arcane barrage that allows you to shoot multiple balls of energy dealing heavy damage, along with a scorch beam and mystical gigabomb.

However, there is one ability that tops the charts, and it is the deep dive that you can perform while in an aerial position. The deep dive allows you to charge into the ground with extreme force, dealing heavy damage to the surroundings upon impact.

The deep dive has its roots in the original Marvel vs. Capcom books, from which Fortnite has taken direct inspiration to ensure total dominance.

What To Expect From Doom BattlePass

Fortnite latest Doom battle pass
Unlock exciting things by completing Doom quests in the battle royale. Image Credit: Epic Games

Upon completing Doom’s quests in Battle Royale, players will be able to unlock many wicked wares, like the doctor is in sprat and Doom’s power emoticon. However, players with access to the Absolute Doom Battle Pass will be able to unlock many more extra rewards from the same quest, including the Doom outfit and Doomblade Pickaxe.

The recent Fortnite update also included 2 other exciting mythics, including Gwenpool’s dual microsmgs, which have the highest fire rate in the game. These guns can be purchased via a newly added NPC named Gwenpool for 600 gold bars.

The other exciting addition is Shuri’s Black Panther Claws which can be purchased from Shuri for 300 gold bars. These claws are a ton of fun with a lot of cool and exciting moves to offer.

This Fortnite update has been full of drama and includes a lot of things. What do you think about it? Let us know in the comments below.

This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire

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